Strategies Addressing Hydromodification in Channels Through Unstable Terrains John Gartner Barry Hecht Shawn Chartrand Edward Ballman, P.E. BALANCE HYDROLOGICS, INC.
Field Problem Incision by streams draining urbanized areas
Channel dredging, Mowry Slough, Fremont, California Field Problem
(Leopold, 1968) Semi-permanent hydrologic change to which the channel must adjust Decreased lag time Increased peak Increased volume More frequent erosive flows Erosion threshold?? Understanding Hydromodification LOGARITHMIC AXIS!
Regulatory context Downstream impacts are becoming unacceptable CEQA and NEPA Endangered Species Act County permits per Bay Area RWQCB
Role of geomorphologist Recognize disturbed landscapes and importance as sediment sources Understand channel form, function Comprehend channel adjustments to environmental change
Outline Site Assessment Solutions Summary
Case study: Coyote Gulch
560 acres Site Ridgetop Downstream Steep Disturbed
“Orinda” Formation –Tightly folded –Mass movements –Beds with varying resistance Geology
Clay Soils Low Infiltration Millsholm Soils
Larger watershed context Downstream Hydromod Biota Network Barbed
Flow monitoring and baseline Host of info Lag time Calibrate model Seasonal effect saturation – baseflow steps Date Discharge (cfs) WY 2004
Sediment monitoring, baseline Mostly suspended Regional context Baseline Assess success
Stream walks Channel Stability
Presentation is continued in: Gartner GSA talk hydromodification part 2.pdf