The Meaning of Family Learning Activity Module One: Analyzing the significance of families Strong Families Need a Strong Foundation
Building Blocks of Family Life In your table groups, talk together for two minutes and list words or phrases that describe strong families –Write these on the papers provided Write your words on papers and tape these words and phrases to the white board
Building Blocks of Family Life (4 process competencies essential to strong families )
1. Managing Work and Family Responsibilities Planning and organizing resources to take action Managing the responsibilities of both family life and work life can increase satisfaction with family life and productivity at work
Examples of Managing Work and Family Responsibilities Planning and using a family budget Making a schedule of family activities Setting and goal and planning to spend time together as a family Purchasing and preparing healthy food
2. Solving Personal and Family Problems Everyone faces problems Quality of life depends on the decisions individuals and families make throughout life Having skills in collaboratively solving problems contributes to the strength of families
Examples of solving personal and family problems Recognizing and facing problems with positive attitude Seeking adequate and reliable information when solving problems Evaluating choices based on goals and values important to the family Reflecting on decisions and evaluating actions
3. Relating to Others Quality of family life depends on the interaction between family members Caring, respectful relationships in families help members develop to their fullest potential
Example of Relating to Others Expressing feelings, needs and ideas constructively Listening actively Recognizing and respecting individual differences Resolving conflict
4. Assuming Leadership Roles Helping family members work together to reach common goals Examples of Assuming Leadership Roles –E–Establishing family visions and goals –C–Cooperating –P–Planning actions to achieve family goals
Back to our activity! Write the four process competencies on the white board in the “blocks” Organize your words or phrases into groups as they relate to each of the four skills presented below the ‘blocks’
Discussion Questions Why are families important to you? Why are families important to your community? Why are families important to society? Why is each of the skills identified in this activity important to families? What are advantages of learning these skills?
More discussion questions In what ways do you already posses some of these skills? In what ways could you improve your present skills to prepare to build a strong family?
Building blocks of family life (part two) At your table groups, discuss and create a list of issues facing families today. Write your issues on the paper blocks at your table Take turns adding your ‘bricks’ to the white board foundation blocks
Discussion question What are the consequences of families that face these kinds of issues with a strong foundation? What are the consequences of families that face these issues without a strong foundation of the four process skills?
Homework! Watch television programs about families and find at least two examples of behavior that illustrates each of the four process skills. Be prepared to share in class!!!
Action Project See your handout!