1 Religion Divides Europe
2 The Catholic Church Splits ► Three factors: Rome’s Split Language Issues Disagreement about religious ideas ► The two pieces: West is Catholic Church East is “Eastern Orthodox”
3 Problems in Germany ► Martin Luther is a German Catholic Monk ► He sees problems with the Catholic Church Purgatory: A place between Heaven and Hell where some people go before they can go to Heaven Indulgences: Paying off sins so that you can reduce your or others time in Purgatory Simony: Buying positions in the Catholic Church
4Protesting ► Martin Luther writes the 95 Thesis List of all the things wrong with Catholic Church Nails it to the door of the Wittenberg Church
5 Church Unhappy ► Catholic Church tells him to recant or be excommunicated Recant: Swear you did not mean what you said Excommunicated: Officially thrown out of the church. ► Means you will ► go to Hell ► Often you are also ► immediately killed
6 Luther’s Response ► Luther goes into hiding Translates the Bible into German ► Begins the Lutheran Church It is essentially Catholicism without the problems Luther saw
7 Henry VIII ► King of England ► Married to Catherine of Aragon ► Wants a son but doesn’t get one ► Asks Pope for a divorce ► Pope says “No!”
8 Henry’s Response ► Henry breaks England away from Catholic Church ► Creates Church of England ► Essentially Catholic Church except Henry is head of Church Divorces for King are okay!
9 Protest Religions ► Martin Luther and Henry VIII were “protesting” against the Catholic Church and reforming their beliefs. ► These and other new religions called “Protestant” and this period in history is the “Reformation” Lutheran Baptist Anabaptist Methodist Church of England/Episcopal ► Europe is still divided with a Protestant north and a Catholic South
10 So, what happened with Henry VIII ► Divorces Catherine of Aragon ► Marries Ann Boleyn No kids Beheaded ► Jane Seymour Son, Edward VI (a sickly boy) She dies shortly afterward ► Anne of Cleves Married 6 months Divorced ► Catherine Howard Beheaded ► Catherine Parr Outlives Henry