The Holocaust Sun Hong Chai Young Lee Andrew Lee
The Holocaust begins The world’s worst genocide ever More than Jews Raised Germany’s nationalism an anti-semitic propaganda poster
Kristallnacht : “Night of Broken Glass” Will be explained here here
Flood of Refugees Many moved, but still most remained –(later got killed) USA and UK was safest Some refugees still died (including Anne Frank)
Isolating the JEWS Hitler wanted to deal with Jews –fast. Jews were taken to Poland and put in ghettos, hoping they would die starving. Yet, Jews endured the ordeal and pains; made plays, schools, etc.
Hitler’s “Final Solution” Hitler had enough patience with the Jews Came up with a new devastating ideas. Nazis hated everyone not “pure”, and especially targeted the Jews.
The mass killings begin As Nazi troops began taking over Europe, Hitler sent his highly trained soldiers (SS) to take Jews and kill them. Everyone else not found by the SS, was taken to camps and worked severely. Lack of food caused most to lose about 23 kg in the first month. Prisoners killed if not fast workers.
The final stage: “Mass Extermination” 1940s: Nazis started to build death camps in Poland. They made 6 death camps. The death camps contained gas chambers. This was called “Mass Extermination.”
Auschwitz death camp It’s the largest death camp in Poland. In the Auschwitz death camp, Nazis forced people into the gas chambers and killed them with Cyanide gas. 6,000 people were killed everyday.
“Yellow Star of David” Jews had to wear a patch called the “Yellow Star of David” on their chest.
The Survivors 6 million Jews died 3~4 million Jews survived
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