Learning Skills By: Lindsay Eason
Goal My goal was to improve my memorization and to organize and manage my time well.
Background Quiz and test grades were low and were on the verge of getting lower Quiz and test grades were low and were on the verge of getting lower Was dedicating more time to other things Was dedicating more time to other things Wasn’t prepared Wasn’t prepared
Statement of Work Goal setting and Time management Goal setting and Time management organizer organizer Concentration and Memory Concentration and Memory Flash cards Flash cards Exam Preparation and Performance Exam Preparation and Performance Test taking tips Test taking tips Anxiety and Stress Management Anxiety and Stress Management Sleep schedule Sleep schedule
Organization and Time management Organizer Events Homework Tests Monthly Planner Weekly Planner I followed the calendar the teachers gave out at the beginning class, and planned ahead for the officers and general meetings for Habitat for Humanity.
Memorization Flash Cards Latin and English translation Declensions Verb, noun, neuter, f and M 200 vocabulary At the beginning of every chapter I would make cards then I would put them in alphabetical order. Roommate quizzed me over the vocabulary after each chapter.
Schedule MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySunday6 programm ing Aleks Programm ing N/W program ming 7Habitat For Humanity AleksAleksHabitatForHumanityN/WAleksAleks 8AleksAleksAleksAleksN/WAleksAleks 9LatinLatinLatin Any homework N/WN/WLatin 10LatinLatinLatin N/WN/WLatin
Results Grades on Quizzes: Grades on Quizzes: Grades on Test: Grades on Test: Able to translate faster and able to break down sentences. Able to translate faster and able to break down sentences. I was able to keep up with activities, events, meetings, and homework easily I was able to keep up with activities, events, meetings, and homework easily
Work Effort I spent nine weeks on the project. I added an hour to two hours of homework and study time to each class. I worked on the presentation for two days and I spent nine weeks trying to reach my goal.
Was it Helpful? The flash cards helped improve my quiz and test grades. It helped with the spelling and declensions. The flash cards helped improve my quiz and test grades. It helped with the spelling and declensions. I think I could do without the organizer. I think I could do without the organizer. I wouldn’t change the project. I would keep everything as it is. I wouldn’t change the project. I would keep everything as it is. One of the most important things was the flash cards. One of the most important things was the flash cards.