The Insurance Distribution Directive (IDD): eficert‘s position on Continuing Professional Training (CPD) ACQUIRING COMPETENCE TO PROTECT THE CONSUMER 8-9th October 2015, Bucharest, Romania Bjarne Dyrberg president of eficert
The members of eficert approve a europewide minimum standard of CPD for insurance distribution the possibility to introduce more stringent provisions the responsibility of Member States to define the mechanisms to effectively controll and assess the knowledge and competence the possibility to adapt this mechanism to the educational system already in place there are no delegated acts to define a „europewide curriculum“ for CPD the aspect of continuous training and development The chance to focus not only on maintaining a minimum level of knowledge but on professional development of each individual „distributor“ Increasing professionalism in insurance distribution in the interest of both the consumer and the „distributor“ Increasing the reputation of the profession of insurance distribution and employer branding of the industry as a whole
The members of eficert suggest to use a europwide education terminology when IDD is implemented into MS legislation Consistent use of the term „Continuing Professional Development“ Consistent use of the term „knowledge and competence“ to implement, in every MS, transparent mechanisms of What kind of „training“ (CPD) (formal, non-formal, informal) is credited as „training hour“ What content is credited as „training hour“ What kind of evidence for „training hour“ is accepted What kind of certificate is needed in order to prove CPD to customers, authorites – the starting point should be the interest and the benefit of the customer to implement a mechanism that motivates the individual „distributor“ to invest in his / her professional competence; this can either mean maintaing a competence required („staying fit“) and / or developing further competences („go on further“) that professional associations / legislators / supervisors use the expertise of eficert / EIET as a platform of education specialists
CPD - Terminology in Europe LanguageContinuous Professional Development GermanRegelmäßige berufliche Weiterbildung French Spanish Italian RomanianFormare profesionala continua DanishProffessionel efteruddannelse Norwegian
The members of eficert will monitor the implementation of CPD and put up a europewide survey on CPD-mechanisms and practices supply any interested stakeholder with expertise and best practice experience
2. Conditions of registration: continuing training and development (1/3)
2. Conditions of registration: continuing training and development (2/3)
2. Conditions of registration: continuing training and development (3/3)
Link to IDD