REVIEW OF NEW DATA FROM THE AMERICAN COMMUNITY SURVEY ON RATES OF INSURANCE AND INCOME DISTRIBUTION FOR ALASKA NATIVES AND AMERICAN INDIANS 33 STATE ACA AIAN DATA PROJECT ACA/AIAN 33 Health Care Reform: Measuring its impact on uninsured 33 States with Large Indian Populations Mississippi Health Care Reform: Measuring its impact on uninsured American Indians & Alaska Natives 33 States with Large Indian Populations Mississippi August 31, 2012 Presentation of American Community Survey Estimates
Mississippi 33 State Average Total-AIAN MS s 36% under ,15240% 42% ,38248% 21% over 400 3,52513% 100% Total 28,058100% IHS-MS 41% under 138 3,07639% 44% ,14453% 15% over % 100% Total 7,863100% % of Total 28% Uninsured MS 45% under 138 4,69652% 43% ,83542% 14% over % 101% Total 9,096100% % of Total 32% Medicaid-MS 66% under 138 4,21161% 29% ,60538% 4% over % 100% Total 6,898100% % of Total 25% Medicare-MS 37% under 138 1,24536% 44% ,83554% 18% over % 99% Total 3,429100% % of Total 12% Private MS 14% under 138 2,66221% 49% ,27957% 37% over 400 2,75922% 100% Total 12,699100% % of Total 45%
Medicaid (25%) Medicare (12%) Private (45%) IHS (28%) Uninsured (32%) Mississippi: Uninsured, IHP access to services, & insurance coverage
Total Population
Access to IHS
Private Insurance