Education as a Social Justice Issue
Why Education?
Why Differences?
See also: overview overview
Funding Also see:
More on Funding “Other data show that communities where student poverty is rare tend to have well-funded schools, whereas schools in communities where student poverty is rampant tend to receive much less funding. “
The “Achievement Gap”
The National Gaps
So where’s the action?
“Closing the black/white educational achievement gap requires dealing with real issues that affect the education of black children. Significant closure in the educational achievement gap in Delaware will not occur until: (1) the educational establishment acknowledges that race and racism matters; (2) the educational system has the same academic expectations of black children it has of white children; and (3) the black community takes responsibility for the education of their children. “
nd_speeches/floor-speech-senator-coons-reintroduces- bill-to-help-at-risk-kids-access-college
Effects of Education 0 “The data indicates that the strongest predictor of lack of health insurance was lack of education.” 0 “Overall, lack of access to health care was greatest for African Americans and Hispanics”
Which means…