O UR P HILLY K IDS Our Children Our Lives Our Lives Our Happiness Our Happiness Our Success Our Success
O UR C HILDREN DESERVE THE BEST 17,000 school students in the Philadelphia School District are transitioning into new learning environments this year.
H IGH SCHOOL STUDENTS Transitioning to a different school will be a challenge for the students currently enrolled in these schools as well as the new students.
M IDDLE S CHOOL S TUDENTS Our Philly Kids provide additional support to students through volunteers who care deeply about all of the children in our communities. We believe that education is the key to better communities and more productive lives.
E LEMENTARY S CHOOL S TUDENTS Students in the Philadelphia School District will benefit from having 17,000 adult volunteers in their community encouraging them to strive for excellence, practice good social skills, and serve as models of lifelong learners.