Improving Dementia Care: an update on the work of the Dementia Strategy Implementation Group Alistair Burns -National Clinical Director for Dementia Gill Ayling – Deputy Director for Older People and Dementia
DH template2 Engaging and enthusing GPs Build on existing networks Enough materials available GP trainers are the key group Links with colleges and professional organisations Evidence based learning methodology eg EVI-DEM - trial in Oxford deanery Good practice Interactions with Primary Care
DH template3 Acute Awareness publication from NHS Confederation Royal College of Nursing project underway linking in the Royal colleges Linking with College of emergency medicine and ambulance trusts Developing a care pathway Royal College of Psychiatrists National Audit Good practice eg regional activity, services in Birmingham General Hospital Care
DH template4 Advise on development and delivery of work programme Key messages Scope and development of national audit Implementation Examples of good practice Membership National audit combined with local audit Good practice examples eg STAR, care homes Stakeholder reference group on prescribing of antipsychotics
DH template5 Multi-disciplinary group Three reports considered: Scoping Study, Gap Analysis Report and Workforce Development Action Plan Minister sent first two to partner organisations Work being taken forward on education and training for GPs. National Quality Board System Alignment in Dementia Care Subgroup is addressing workforce Workforce Advisory Group
DH template6 Ministerial Research group Awareness Campaign National Quality Board NICE Quality standards Outcomes framework Other activities
DH template7
8 Ministerial Research group Awareness Campaign National Quality Board NICE Quality standards Outcomes framework Other activities
DH template9 The Coalition Government You realise if we don’t prioritise dementia, you’ll have that Gill Ayling to answer to Decision made, then
Improving Dementia Care: an update on the work of the Dementia Strategy Implementation Group Alistair Burns -National Clinical Director for Dementia Gill Ayling – Deputy Director for Older People and Dementia