We learn about the world, ourselves- and each other through our bodily senses; we communicate and connect through our senses; our anxiety and confidence is expressed through our body and through our senses
Touch Therapy: holistic and fun Sensory, bodily approach: to making and expressing choice to building up confidence to empowerment to relaxation to wellbeing
Touch Trust Programme Music, movement, touch One-to-one connection Empowerment, choice, praise Ritual Uses contrasting rhythms of breathing and heart beat Stimulates endorphin production Celebrates diversity “Where they are is right”
Potentials are realised through: deepening our breathing producing happy hormones touching, praising, dancing with a partner (which has amazing effects on us ALL) A powerful sense of community, wellbeing and empowerment is built up
Testimonials Naomi
Christopher Testimonials
Sian © Dilys Price & Touch Trust January 2015 Testimonials