2009 FPTT National Meeting Réunion nationale 2009 des PFTT Claude Morasse Juin
There is a new kid in town !
Past experience Private Sector Academia Research Center Delivery of R&D Government Program Innovation International (France & Thailand) Intelligence and finally FPTT
First impression -One month on the job -Learning curve process -National mandate -Geographically and culturally diverse -Canada-wide network -People with passion -Issues that need to be addressed -There are more…
Technology transfer is not dead!
What’s up Doc? -Refresh FPTT -Revitalize the network -Set up priorities that will fit members needs
What’s next at the strategic level? -Grand Tour! (I will listen to you!) -Implementation of a Federal TT Resources Intelligence System. -Strategic TT/IP issues must be part of the ADMs’ agenda -Acknowledgement of TTOs essential role in the Innovation infrastructure
What’s next at the operational level? -Update FPTT Website (Ex. Centralized strategic information) -Expertise level of TT/IP Practitioners (ACCT) -Implementation of Western and Eastern Chapters -FPTT has a small team, we will need your help!
Be innovative! Share your creativity with us! I always make time to discuss new opportunities…
What is the Federal Partners in Technology Transfer? The FPTT is a federally integrated, multi-disciplined organization that is responsible for supporting technology transfer of research results from Canada’s science-based departments and agencies. The FPTT Partners acknowledge that a coordinated approach to fostering the development of professional capacity within the Canadian government will enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of technology and knowledge mobilization, transfer and commercialization.
FPTT Partners Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Canadian Institutes of Health Research Canadian Space Agency Communications Research Centre Environment Canada Fisheries and Oceans Foreign Affairs and International trade Health Canada Industry Canada National Defence Canada National Research Council Canada Natural Resources Canada Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council Public Health Agency of Canada Royal Canadian Mounted Police Transport Canada
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