EP Internship
Internship program Target: √ Internship contracts with 7 outstanding students of last year MA studies √ Team leaders test interns and mach their skills to LG Chem EP needs √ The intention of LG Chem is to hire best interns
Internship basic conditions Internship program: Working days: Mon- Fri, 8 hours a day Internship is paid 1000 PLN gross per month Interns get official information about possible employment after
Internship scope DepartmentNumber of people Technical Center1 Quality Assurance1 Maintenance1 Production1 Logistics1 Administration1 Sales1 TOTAL7
Department Offert’s number Technical CenterTC-WSB Quality AssuranceQA-WSB MaintenanceM-WSB ProductionP-WSB LogisticsL-WSB AdministrationA-WSB SalesS-WSB
Documents: Polish and English CV till with the Offert’s Number Contact: