HOLT, RINEHART AND WINSTON P SYCHOLOGY PRINCIPLES IN PRACTICE 1 Chapter 3 BIOLOGY AND BEHAVIOR Section 1: The Nervous SystemThe Nervous System Section 2: The Brain: Our Control CenterThe Brain: Our Control Center Section 3: The Endocrine SystemThe Endocrine System Section 4: Heredity: Our Genetic BackgroundHeredity: Our Genetic Background
HOLT, RINEHART AND WINSTON P SYCHOLOGY PRINCIPLES IN PRACTICE 2 Chapter 3 The Cerebral Cortex: What Makes Us Unique Cerebral Cortex is composed of two sides or hemispheres. Information received by one side of the body is transmitted to the opposite hemisphere of the brain.
HOLT, RINEHART AND WINSTON P SYCHOLOGY PRINCIPLES IN PRACTICE 3 Chapter 3 Language Abilities For nearly all right-handed people, language functions are based in the left hemisphere. Two out of three left-handed people also have their language function based in the left hemisphere. There are two key language areas: Broca’s area and Wernicke’s area
HOLT, RINEHART AND WINSTON P SYCHOLOGY PRINCIPLES IN PRACTICE 4 Chapter 3 Left verses Right Hemispheres The same hemisphere that contains most language functions is usually more involved in logic, problem solving, and mathematical computation than is the other hemisphere Right hemisphere is relatively more concerned with the imagination, art, feelings, and spatial relations The hemispheres do not act independently of each other
HOLT, RINEHART AND WINSTON P SYCHOLOGY PRINCIPLES IN PRACTICE 5 Chapter 3 Heredity—the transmission of characteristics from parents to offspring. Heredity plays a key role in the development of traits both in people. It is important to keep in mind that the environment also plays a role in shaping these traits. Section 4: Heredity: Our Genetic Background
HOLT, RINEHART AND WINSTON P SYCHOLOGY PRINCIPLES IN PRACTICE 6 Chapter 3 Heredity has been shown to be one factor involved in many psychological disorders, including anxiety and depression, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and alcoholism. Section 4: Heredity: Our Genetic Background
HOLT, RINEHART AND WINSTON P SYCHOLOGY PRINCIPLES IN PRACTICE 7 Chapter 3 ROLE OF CHROMOSOMES AND GENES IN HEREDITY Most normal human cells contain 46 hormones which develop particular traits in an individual. A child born without 46 chromosomes in each cell, physical and behavioral disorders may result. Most common disabilities is Down syndrome. Section 4: Heredity: Our Genetic Background
HOLT, RINEHART AND WINSTON P SYCHOLOGY PRINCIPLES IN PRACTICE 8 Chapter 3 The Nature-Nurture Debate Supporters of “nature” argue that people’s traits and personality are primarily determined by their biological makeup. Supporters of the “nurture” argue that the environment we live in and our everyday experiences –not our biological inheritance determine how we behave and think. Section 4: Heredity: Our Genetic Background