October 5 & 6, 2015 Please take out your BALLER Sheet and something with which to write
Homework Read p (Enlightenment!) p. 450 #3,4 Textbooks Next Class? No
Quote of the Day “.”-“.”-
Ball Review Game 1.What time period and country are we in right now? 2.What form of government does England have during this time period? 3.What form of government do most other countries in Europe have at this time period? 4.Who limits the power of the Monarch? 5.What are the 2 houses of Parliament? 6.How does Parliament limit the power of the Monarch?
Baller Sheet #2-Philosophies & Acts j divine right of kingsPetition of Right Triennial ActTest Act
Baller Sheet #2-Philosophies & Acts (BACK) j Exclusion ActHabeas Corpus Act of SettlementAct of Union
j Elizabeth I James I Charles I Oliver Cromwell Tudor Daughter of Henry VIII No heir to throne Cautious w/Parliament 1 st Stuart King Divine Right Clashed w/Parliament $, Foreign Policy, Religion Son of James I Stuart Absolute Monarch Signed Petition of Right Dissolved Parliament for 11 years Executed Leader of Roundheads Pro-Parliament Created & led New Model Army Defeat Cavaliers Leader of Commonwealth (Republic)
j Charles II James II William & MaryGeorge I & III Son of Charles I Invited to return to England after exile Popular (reopens theatres & taverns) Restored Protestantism w/religious tolerance Brother of Charles II Outward Catholic Flees when William & Mary bring army to England Daughter of James II Bloodless overthrow of Charles II Glorious Revolution Signed English Bill of Rights Can only speak German Creation of Cabinet Loses the American colonies during the American Revolution
j divine right of kings Petition of Right Triennial Act Test Act Chosen by god to rule Power should not be questioned Leads to absolute monarchy Parliament forces Charles I to sign Prohibits king from raising taxes w/out consent of Parliament Prohibits putting person in jail without just cause Had to call Parliament at least once every 3 years Done after Charles I dissolves Parliament Only an Anglican can hold public office
j Exclusion Act Habeas Corpus Act of Settlement Act of Union Try to prevent James II from taking the throne No one can be held in prison without first being charged with a specific crime Only an Anglican could inherit the throne of England Joined the kingdoms of Scotland & England
English Bill of Rights Handout Annotate (Story about Nick Burt) Anything sound familiar?
British Parliament Today Debate over war with Syria August
If Time Permits… Work on filling out M-Q on your study guide
Homework Read p p. 450 #3,4 Textbooks Next Class? No