Data Visualization: WPF & XAML…and Silverlight…and Surface..and “the phone” Session Objective: To get you excited by showing you “what you can do” so that you start doing it. Why you need Rich Client Applications Rich Client Technology Roadmap Demos, demos, demos!...
WPF 3D: The Scripps Research Institute VitruView AutoCad – dwf Viewer Tim Huckaby CEO, InterKnowlogy Microsoft RD & MVP
The first prototype is presented to Bill Gates A dedicated group is formed, and more than 85 prototypes are developed Microsoft Surface is unveiled to the world The concept of an interactive table is born The look and feel of Surface is finalized
Surface WPF 3D: The Scripps Research Institute VitruView Tim Huckaby CEO, InterKnowlogy Microsoft RD & MVP
Separates the front-end from the back-end Simple declarative programming language suitable for constructing and initializing.NET Objects Usually the most concise way to represent user interfaces (or other hierarchies of objects) Doesn’t need a compile to renderThe language that almost all Silverlight related tools emit
Runs in a WPF Application: Runs in the Browser:
Complex XAML Examples
WPF (Windows XP and above) Silverlight (Cross Platform for the Browser) Surface WPF 4.0 Touch (Windows 7) Windows® Phone 7 Series The Big 5 “XAML-based” Technologies
WPF, Surface, & Silverlight Library of Congress Win7 WPF multi-touch Silverlight Tim Huckaby CEO, InterKnowlogy Microsoft RD & MVP
Lightweight WPF runtime OK LightBlue XAML-based Tools
Silverlight 43Things.com InterKnowlogy Wish 43 Tim Huckaby CEO, InterKnowlogy Microsoft RD & MVP
Eclipsys Corporation Silverlight 3 - Enterprise Visibility Real-time Hospital Operations Tim Huckaby CEO, InterKnowlogy Microsoft RD & MVP Silverlight
WPF Emn8 from our Marketing VP Madeline Pantalone: “It's okay for you to use application for demonstration as long as you are sure to preface it with the phrase: "This is test data only. Products you see may have been created for testing purposes only."
WCF Service Client(s)Service HostClient(s) WCF Service
Windows 7 Touch, WCF, Surface Integration Tim Huckaby CEO, InterKnowlogy Microsoft RD & MVP
Try Multi-Touch in Silverlight Now! Tim Huckaby CEO, InterKnowlogy Microsoft RD & MVP The InterKnowlogy Multi-Touch Enabled ScatterView Control /
The InterKnowlogy WPF & Silverlight Reference Applications
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Content Slide Example −This is an additional content slide with a white background −This slide master has all the layouts that the traditional slide background has Microsoft Confidential41
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