Jeopardy $100 VocabularyIceman Stone Age Culture Catal Huyuk – Pt.1 Catal Huyuk – Pt. 2 $200 $300 $400 $500 $400 $300 $200 $100 $500 $400 $300 $200 $100 $500 $400 $300 $200 $100 $500 $400 $300 $200 $100 Final Jeopardy Final Jeopardy
1 - $100 A scientist who examines objects to learn about the human past. A scientist who examines objects to learn about the human past. archaeologist archaeologist
1 - $200 To adapt wild plants or tame wild animals and to breed them for human use To adapt wild plants or tame wild animals and to breed them for human use domesticate domesticate
1 - $300 Stories passed down by word of mouth. Stories passed down by word of mouth. Oral traditions Oral traditions
1 - $400 The study of the Earth’s surface The study of the Earth’s surface Geography Geography
1 - $500 A society with cities, a central government, job specialization, and social classes A society with cities, a central government, job specialization, and social classes civilization civilization
2 - $100 What mountain range was Iceman found? What mountain range was Iceman found? Alps or Otzal Mountains Alps or Otzal Mountains
2 - $200 What year was the Iceman found? What year was the Iceman found?
2 - $300 What 2 country borders was Iceman laying between? What 2 country borders was Iceman laying between? Austria and Italy Austria and Italy
2 - $400 Name one artifact that Iceman was found with. Name one artifact that Iceman was found with.
2 - $500 How old was Iceman when he died? How old was Iceman when he died? In his 40’s In his 40’s
3 - $100 What are the 3 groups that the Stone Age is broken into? What are the 3 groups that the Stone Age is broken into? Old Stone Age, Middle Stone Age, New Stone Age Old Stone Age, Middle Stone Age, New Stone Age
3 - $200 What was man’s main way of surviving during the Old and Middle Stone Age? (food source) What was man’s main way of surviving during the Old and Middle Stone Age? (food source) Hunting and gathering Hunting and gathering
3 - $300 Humans originated from what continent and spread from there? Humans originated from what continent and spread from there? Africa Africa
3 - $400 What did fire allow early hominids to do? What did fire allow early hominids to do? Move to colder places Move to colder places
3 - $500 What were womens’ responsibilities and mens’ responsibilities during the New Stone Age? What were womens’ responsibilities and mens’ responsibilities during the New Stone Age? Women: Gathering and planting of seeds Women: Gathering and planting of seeds Men: Hunting and Gathering Men: Hunting and Gathering
4 - $100 What modern day country can Catal Huyuk be found in? What modern day country can Catal Huyuk be found in? Turkey Turkey
4 - $200 Why were the houses built right next to each other in Catal Huyuk? Why were the houses built right next to each other in Catal Huyuk? Defend the city Defend the city
4 - $300 What portion of the houses were temples? What portion of the houses were temples? 1 out of 3 1 out of 3
4 - $400 What did they find inside the temples? What did they find inside the temples? Wall paintings of plants and animals Wall paintings of plants and animals
4 - $500 What is a surplus? Why is it important to a civilization? What is a surplus? Why is it important to a civilization? An excess of food An excess of food Because they are able to trade it or when winter or a bad growing season hit, they have extra. Because they are able to trade it or when winter or a bad growing season hit, they have extra.
5 - $100 What is obsidian and what did the people use it for? What is obsidian and what did the people use it for? Black, shiny, volcanic rock used for making mirrors and for trade Black, shiny, volcanic rock used for making mirrors and for trade
5 - $200 What was the primary purpose of domesticating animals? What was the primary purpose of domesticating animals? Used for assistance when farming and/or moving equipment Used for assistance when farming and/or moving equipment
5 - $300 What did the people of Catal Huyuk use ladders for? What did the people of Catal Huyuk use ladders for? To climb into their houses To climb into their houses
5 - $400 Yams, Date Palms, and Millet were domesticated plants in which area? Yams, Date Palms, and Millet were domesticated plants in which area? Africa Africa
5 - $500 Cattle, horses, and dogs were examples of domesticated animals for which area? Cattle, horses, and dogs were examples of domesticated animals for which area? Europe Europe
Final Jeopardy What is the name of the museum where Iceman is currently? What is the name of the museum where Iceman is currently? South Tyrol Museum South Tyrol Museum