The Effects of Kamehameha I and the End of the Kapu Change of Leadership, change of ways
Effects Kamehameha I Kamehameha I would allow “foreigners” to enter Hawaii. Kamehameha I would enforce a strict Kapu system amongst the Hawaiian people.
Foreigners under Kamehameha I The first foreigners to arrive to Hawaii (aside from Captain Cook – exploration) was the fur traders. The Fur trade was between the Pacific Northwest (present-day British Columbia Washington, and Oregon) and China. Fur was used to trade for tea and other spices in China.
How was Hawaii apart of the Fur Trade? Hawaii was located in the center of the two destinations. The fur traders stopped in Hawaii for: – Needed fresh fruits and vegetables (prevent scurvy). – Needed a place to fix ships – Needed sailors(Hawaiians made excellent sailors).
Effects of the Fur Traders 1. Hawaiians started trading their goods(food) for scraps of iron, nails, and other metals. 2. Hawaiians became accustomed to the skill of bargaining. Examples: – a small pig for an iron axe. – hundred pounds of sweet potato for three yards of linen. – a small chicken for a knife.
Effects of the Fur Traders 3. Discovered the Sandalwood tree in the Islands. – China and parts of America would be whom it would be sold to. – Uses of the sandalwood is primarily as an oil/moisturizer for skin. – Kamehameha I declared the sandalwood trade a “royal monopoly”(the profits will go only to the king).
Sandalwood Tree RWEMBEHO, STEPHEN. "Conservationists Decry Continued Destruction of Sandalwood Tree." The New Times. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Oct
Effects of the Fur and Sandalwood Trade 1. Kamehameha I would buy: – a Hawaiian fleet of ships(6) for trading and for military. – 16 kegs of rum. – Box of tea. – $8,000 worth of guns and ammunition. – ALL PAID FOR BY THE SANDALWOOD TRADE.
Effects of the Fur and Sandalwood Trade 2. Foreign Goods was imported: – New diet by 1825(cabbage, potatoes, corn, limes, pineapple, duck/chicken/turkey, pigs, mangoes, and dogs). – New Goods(soap, glass, iron pots and pans, paper, ink, cotton, wine, etc.).
Effects of the Fur and Sandalwood Trade 3. Foreigners became residents: - Some worked for the chiefs. - Others became businessmen, ranchers, or missionaries.
Effects of Foreigners in Hawaii The biggest impact foreigners on Hawaii was DISEASES. – Such as Measles, Influenza, and the COLD. – Diseases would reduced the Hawaiian population.
Effects of Foreigners in Hawaii 2. ALCOHOL – Introduced by foreigners, alcohol created a social problem and weakened the health of Hawaiians.