WELCOME TO JUNIOR NIGHT October 26, 2015 This presentation can be accessed through Naviance (each student and family have one account)
WELCOME GUESTS Two Year CollegeNadia Leary Lorain Community College Marketing & Recruitment Specialist Four Year PrivateRae Ann DiBaggio Case Western Reserve University Senior Associate Director of Admissions Four Year PublicKim Gentile The University of Akron Senior Associate Director of Admissions Mark Ledoux Kent State University Associate Director of Admissions
TONIGHT’S AGENDA Overview of terminology & factors Junior Timeline Naviance Panel Discussion of Topics
MANY HONORABLE DESTINATIONS Direct entry into workforce- Training in Career Education Programs? Military- Direct Enlistment (meet w/ recruiter) - ROTC Programs (Consult with counselor and area colleges- NOW!) - Service Academies (Start looking at the process now! Consult with counselor) Two Year Technical and Community Colleges Four Year Colleges & Universities
ACADEMIC FACTORS IN COLLEGE ADMISSION (% OF INSTITUTIONS REPORTING FACTOR IS OF “CONSIDERABLE IMPORTANCE” NACAC ADMISSIONS TRENDS RECENT SURVEY) Grades CP classes84% Strength of Curriculum68% Standardized Tests59% Grades all courses52% Essay25% Demonstrated Interest21% Rank19% Counselor Rec19% Teacher Rec17% Interview 6%
JUNIOR YEAR TIMELINE- FALL Attend local college fairs Sign-up to meet with college reps at H.H.S. Register for ACT and/or SAT (for 2 nd semester dates) Review NCAA Eligibility Center requirements with your counselor (Naviance Link) Use Naviance, PSAT’s MyCollegeQuickStart, and Princeton Review to examine interests, skills and possible college majors. Create portfolios to keep results of career interest inventories and college search findings. (Naviance Tasks)
TRY TO KEEP A HEALTHY PERSPECTIVE! All of these tasks might seem overwhelming We are here to help Don’t lose site of ultimate goal & don’t panic Maintain balance w/classes, activities, family, friends… Be true to yourself Lots of good options- our kids do well in a variety of settings Try to have fun with it!
NAVIANCE ALL college application materials sent from HHS are processed through this site One stop shopping (all guidance resources available on this site) Update your address Check tasks section BE AN EDUCATED CONSUMER Net Price Calculators (college financial aid websites) College Navigator (nces.ed.gov/collegenavigator) provides data on specific college aid packages, graduation rates etc. U.S. Department of Education’s College Affordability and Transparency Center College Scorecard:
PANEL OF EXPERTS COLLEGE OR INSTITUTION AND BRIEF OVERVIEW Two Year College Nadia Leary Lorain Community College Director of Admissions Four Year PrivateRae Ann DiBaggio Case Western Reserve University Senior Associate Director of Admissions Four Year PublicKim Gentile The University of Akron Senior Associate Director of Admissions Mark Ledoux Kent State University Associate Director of Admissions
PANEL OF EXPERTS – RAPID FIRE! What do you look for in a college essay? How do you view A.P. classes vs CCP (dual enrollment HS/College classes)? Which colleges super score ACT? SAT? What careers can you obtain with a two year college degree? How safe is your campus? How does the military pay for college? Is it possible for a student to earn a four year degree in three years? How? What is the average amount of money awarded w/ an athletic scholarship? What is the service requirement for ROTC or Academies? What services are available for students with learning disabilities?
MORE RAPID FIRE … Do art majors require portfolio? Music majors-required to audition? What if a student is undecided about a college major? What does your institution do to help students make a smooth transition? How different is a student’s experience if they commute vs. live on campus? How do you help your graduates find a job? How can I maximize my opportunities for getting a scholarship? What is one thing that distinguishes your college/university from others?
THANK YOU FOR ATTENDING THIS EVENING’S PROGRAM You are welcome to come down to the front of the auditorium to meet our guests. This power point can be found on your Naviance account.