Organizing the past Using Social Institutions Mrs. Rida
Society Group of people living in a particular country or region, who share customs, laws and organizations Example: Language and holidays are a few of the shared elements of American society.
Under the definition of society… Answer the following question: What would a group of people need for them to survive as a group for at least 100 years?
Needs of Societies 1.To make a living, produce and distribute food and shelter 2.Law and order to protect people 3.Learning and sharing of culture 4.Shared ideas and beliefs 5.Shared system of communication 6.Ways to care and raise children
Directions # off 1-6 Read the definition of your institution and discuss among your group members. Economy Religion Language Government Family Education
1.Write The definition (given to you) 2.In other words…. (Explain it in your own words using the sentence stem) 3.One symbol that represents this institution is…. (Draw it out) 4.This is a necessary element in any given society because… In your Table group If its underlined, substitute with the name of your institution
Then… Once the whole team is done, you will transfer this information into the following poster Social Inst.
Roving Paragraph Pass the poster around clockwise and learn about other institution as you write them down in your mini-book.