Quality Assurance Trial DANA Position
DANA Position about QMS or CQI The following eight position points were developed by Board members. They are only a first draft, a beginning for discussion. We invite you all to make comments on these principles. Let us know what we missed, or what should be changed. We are looking forward to work with you!
DANA Position on Quality Management 1.Standards must be relevant to and reflective of disability advocacy practices and the UN Convention of the Rights of People with Disabilities. 2.The audit process must be cost neutral for an organisation (Funding body ought to ensure all direct and indirect costs) 3.Organisations should be encouraged to work together and pool resources when establishing a Quality Management System
DANA Position continued 4.FaHCSIA should take a leading role in Quality Management and ensure that audits are standardised across Federal and State jurisdictions so that there is only one QMS and endless and repetitive auditing is prevented. 5.FaHCSIA must provide funding for the development and delivery of regular governance training for organisations.
DANA Position cont. 6. Auditing processes and assisting materials must be developed and implemented in a way which ensures realistic client involvement, rather than tokenistic involvement. Limited cognitive capacities must be catered for. 7. Funding must be made available to assist delivery of training courses so that advocates are properly skilled to comply with disability advocacy standards.
8.The auditing process for advocacy agencies must include auditors with expertise in the sector to ensure a beneficial and meaningful audit process. We will publish our Position Paper on our website And we are inviting everyone to comment on these principles. DANA Position cont.