Masthead: simple but attractive with only two colours used (white & dark blue). Its simple design makes it easy to read. Title in bold. Subheading: gives more information about the contents of the magazine. Given in more than one place on the cover so as more information can be seen. Logo: obviously shown in the top right corner of the cover. Easy to see as it’s colour doesn't clash with the rest of the cover. Picture: easy to identify what it is. Makes up most of the background and so is vital that it fits in with the rest of the magazine, which it does.
Masthead: clear and easy to read against the background. Again, only two colours used (white and yellow) to make it simple. Title in bold to make it stand out against the other fonts that aren’t in bold. Secondary Title: not the main title but still on every new magazine. Serves as a extra bit of detail for the titles. Logo: clearly shown at the bottom right of the cover. Doesn't take up a lot of space which allows more space for other writing. Picture: shows a proud looking man which is meant to inspire other students. Makes up the entire background and so mustn't clash with any of the text or other pictures on the cover. Cover Lines: shows what's in the magazine.
Masthead: easy too read, especially the ‘College Football’ part. The colours match the rest of the magazine as well. Pictures: all the pictures are contain some form of action. This would interest a variety of people. Additional Info: gives the viewer/audience more information on what this magazine will contain. Logo: shown clearly in the centre of the page. Viewer's eyes are drawn to the logo straight away. Cover Lines: also gives information on what the magazine will be showing.
Masthead: easy to see/identify. The colour of the text clashes with the rest of the cover which makes it easier to read. Picture: face cantered which attracts the viewers attention. Also, easy to see. Additional Text: gives extra information on what the magazine will contain. All text is easy to read as well. Promotional Offer: encourages the target audience to buy the magazine with the possibility of getting another magazine/book at half its normal price.
Images: makes the page look nicer and attracts the reader. Text (Contents): tells the reader what will be in the magazine and where to find it. Pictures: gives the reader an indication of what will be in the magazine and may interest them more as it enables them to get an idea of what the story/article may look like.
Pictures: makes the page look nicer and attract the reader into reading the magazine. Text/Contents: tells the reader what will be in the magazine. This may also attract them into buying it if it contains a certain story they are interested in. Title: reminds the reader of the title of the magazine and serves as self advertising.
Title of Page: tells reader what the title of the page they are on is called just to make it extra clear. Text/Contents: tells reader the stories that are in the magazine and may interest them more if they have stories that are interesting to the reader. Pictures: makes the page look better and gives the reader an idea of what the story may look like when they get to the page it is on.