Mrs. Brumley
When you enter the classroom always check the board or projector screen for the day’s agenda. If there is a bell assignment, begin working on it immediately.
All notes should be kept in a notebook. In many cases notes can be used for your tests and quizzes, if they are in your notebook and are handwritten.
Do NOT turn on computers unless you are directed to do so. Always shut down the computer at the end of the class. Save work to your “S” drive and in the appropriate folder. (This will be changing during the course of this school year to a web locker.)
All work should be turned into the assigned basket, unless otherwise specified. All work should have the student’s first and last name, the period, and the date the assignment was made written on it. Failure to do so may result in a grade deduction. Graded work can be retrieved from basket. Late work will not be accepted. When turning in an assignment after an absence, write “ABSENT” and the date of the absence on the top right of the paper.
Sit in your assigned seat. Do not lean your chair back. All seats MUST be pushed in before you leave. You must stay in YOUR seat until the bell rings at the end of class.
My desk, chair, podium, storage cabinets, and the bookshelves behind my desk are mine! Students are not permitted to use them. Students should store any purses, extra books, and other personal items on the bookshelves above the counters during the class period. STUDENTS MUST REMOVE THESE ITEMS AT THE END OF CLASS. My room is not your locker.
There are exceptions based on the size of assignments, but, in general, grades will be as follows… Bell Assignments5-10 Points Class Assignment10-20 Points Quizzes25-50 Points Projects Points Tests Points REMEMBER… late work will be only accepted in the case of an absence.