Revelation 10 Strong angel A little book (scroll) 7 Thunders (secreted) 7 th angel; God’s mystery revealed Sweet to the tongue; sour to stomach
The Mighty Angel of V1 This thought might take us back to the Mighty Angel of *Revelation 5:2…, BUT scripture says it is “another angel.” *The mighty angel proclaimed: “Who is worthy to open the book (singular) and loose the seals?” (KJV; emphasis mine)
Three Revelation Passages of Strong Angels (angel #1) Revelation 5:2 (angel #1) This angel tells John not to weep as he points out that there is a “LAMB” worthy to open the sealed scroll.
Three Revelation Passages of Strong Angels (angel #2) Revelation 10:1 (where we are this week) This angel tells John that “change is in the eminent air.”
Three Revelation Passages of Strong Angels (angel #3) Revelation 18:21 (where we will eventually be) This angel tells John what will happen to the Babylon capital of the beast-Antichrist empire; how it is destroyed in End Time.
Recall Daniel 10 (v5 & 6) This *angel tells Daniel what will happen to the Jews/Israelites in End Time. *Recall that the protector of Israel is the Archangel Michael.
The Little Book Revelation 10:2 It is speculation as to what is written in this Little Book and what might be the identity of this book. The voice told John to take it from the angel. Review Ezekiel 3:1-3 & Jeremiah 15:16
Verse 3: 7 Voices and 7 Thunders The 7 voices and 7 thunders appear to be of the same source; i.e. each thunder is a voice. John is told something by these voices (7) but told NOT TO RECORD what he hears. (10:4)
JIV (opinion only) The things these 7 voices tell John are probably within context so it is referring to what is “end of time” (V6); not end times. I do NOT KNOW if these voices spoke in unison or harmony; i.e. meaning different parts of the same song.. The end of time (V6b)
A probability per the voices It could be about Israel in the end time or after the end of time, but in greater detail than the Rapture(d) church needs to know. Your thoughts?
Why V5? V5: “And the angel whom I saw standing on the sea and on the land raised his right hand to heaven …” V6: “and swore by him who lives forever and ever, who created heaven and what is in it, the earth and what is in it, and the sea and what is in it,…” (what is the rest of this verse?)
The answer… V7: “but that in the days of the trumpet call to be *sounded by the seventh angel, the mystery of God would be fulfilled,…” *(solved at the beginning of the sound) “It is done.” JIV: This reminds me very much of God’s words… Revelation 26:6 “It is done.”
What might be “the Mystery of God?”
Handout: what various commentaries speculate per the “mystery of God.” [ Not available to online ]
Do we get hung up and spend more time looking for the Antichrist than we do looking for Christ?
More on the Little Book There is much speculation… (any thoughts?) My hunch is that it is the sealed words from Daniel 12:4… “But you, Daniel, roll up and seal the words of the scroll until the time of the end.”
John told to Eat the book –V9 Sweet as honey to the mouth but bitter to the stomach. Hmmmmm? Discuss possibilities…
But you, Daniel, roll up and seal the words of the scroll until the time of the end. (NIV)
Revelation 10:6c no longer “…and the things therein, that there should be time no longer