Low-Frequency Variability of Surface Air Temperature in a 1000-Year Integration of a Coupled Atmosphere- Ocean-Land Surface Model S YUKURO M ANABE AND R ONALD J. S TOUFFER
The interaction between SAT anomalies in land and sea. In contrast to local SAT, the globally averaged, continental and oceanic anomalies of annual mean SAT from the coupled model correlate well with each other.
Power Spectral Density PSD 波的頻譜密度乘以一係數後,得到每單 位頻率波攜帶的功率,稱為 PSD
Over the continents, there exist ample low- frequency variablities of local SAT that are not correlated to either continental- or oceanic-scale anomalies.
1. This comparison reveals that these two spectra are very similar at low frequencies beyond 1 cycle for every few years. 2. The spectrum of SST anomaly near the Denmark strait, obtained from both coupled and mixed layer models, deviate significantly from the red noise spectrum and have a very distinct peak.