The Earth and The Carbon Cycle By: Angela Woodall- chem 106
* Carbon is an element that plays a vital role in all living things.
* The Carbon Cycle is the process through which carbon is cycled through the air, ground, plants, animals, and fossil fuels.
* Carbon moves from the atmosphere to plants, plants to animals, animals to ground, and from fossil fuels to the atmosphere.
* The bodies of waters on the earth soak up some of the existing carbon from the atmosphere.
* Animals in the ocean use the carbon to build their skeletons and shells.
* The ocean holds 50 times more carbon than the atmosphere and half of the oxygen we breath comes from photosynthesis of marine plants.
Carbon atoms are constantly being cycled through the earths’ ocean by both physical and biological processes
* The carbon dioxide flow between the ocean and the atmosphere is partially due to the difference in the concentration levels of the carbon dioxide in the air and in the water.
The Process of the Carbon Cycle
The Global Flow of Carbon
Global Picture Global map of the average annual exchange of CO2 across the sea surface.
* We have drastically altered the carbon cycle by destroying forests and other forms of vegetation without replanting.
Carbon is one of the main building blocks to the human life cycle. It is the base of all things organic. We must do our part in regenerating carbon by replacing plants and helping with reforestation in order to ensure a long and prosperous earth!