借鏡荷蘭 由荷蘭看台灣環保政策 Taiwan Uses Holland As a Guideline in Turns of Her Environmental Associated Decision Making.


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Presentation transcript:

借鏡荷蘭 由荷蘭看台灣環保政策 Taiwan Uses Holland As a Guideline in Turns of Her Environmental Associated Decision Making

第六組 工作分配 荷蘭篇: 第一章 經濟發展與產業概況 林明遠 第二章 環境問題 吳韞德 第三章 國家環境政策計畫及環境政策之制定 曾盟雅 第四章 荷蘭環境保護政策與措施 劉徵祥 第五章 荷蘭環保政策與措施改善建議 魏彰志 台灣篇: 第一章 前言 李立峰 第二章 台灣環境變遷之成因 邱瑞現 第三章 經濟發展與環境管理 謝吉輝 第四章 台灣目前的問題 徐昌榮 第五章 台灣的環保政策 魏彰志 結論 借鏡荷蘭的台灣未來環境管理策略 謝吉輝 匯總編整 林明遠 上台報告 吳韞德、曾盟雅、徐昌榮 Group 6

Environmental Problems, Holland vs. Taiwan - by 吳韞德 Environmental Policies, Holland vs. Taiwan - by 曾盟雅 Cleaner Technology Strategy in Holland and Recommendation to Taiwan – by 徐昌榮 Group 6

* Air ±1970 ±1980 SO 2 Emission ( 10 3 t/a ) * Water ±1969 ±1988 Organic Matter Emission 40 M 6.2M * Noise People Under Noise Pollution (Traffic) 20% 19% The Loudest Trucks (New Type) 91dB 84dB * Insecticides Forbidden Insecticides 1 8 The Sorts of Sparrow Hawk ±100 ±300 * Soil Polluted Soil(Dredged) Holland’s Pollution Control Group 6Environmental Problems

Group 6 Holland’s Environmental Problems If Policies Remain Unchanged 1.Loss of biodiversity 2.Climate change 3.Over-exploitation of natural resources 4.Threats to health 5.Threats to external safety 6.Damage to the quality of the living environment 7.Possible Unmanageable risks Environmental Problems

Group 6 Holland’s Environmental Problems If Policies Remain Unchanged Loss of biodiversity Global biodiversity has diminished to the extent that the very existence of groups of people is in jeopardy. Groundwater depletion, acdification and eutrophication have far from been halted in Holland Environmental Problems

Group 6 Holland’s Environmental Problems If Policies Remain Unchanged Climate Change CO2 emissions will have doubled globally The climatic system will be dangerously affected Environmental Problems

Group 6 Taiwan’s Environmental Problems 1.Water Pollution 2.Problems of waste disposal 3.The quality of air 4.Polluted soil 5.Damage to the ecological distribution 6.Damage to landscape Environmental Problems

Group 6 Taiwan’s Environmental Problems Water Pollution Polluted level UnpollutedSlightMedianSerious Union: ﹪ Polluted level in Taiwan’s Main Rivers Environmental Problems

Group 6 Taiwan’s Environmental Problems Problems of Waste Disposing LocationHarmfulness 彰化芳苑草湖段 Toluene---Cause cancer Benzene---Cause blood disease like leukemia Bichloride---Damage our skin and the central nervous system 嘉義新港鄉北港溪畔 Chloride---Cause cancer and damage liver, blood vessel etc. 屏東縣新園鄉赤山嚴 Hydrargyrism---Damage central nervous system and kidney 高屏溪舊鐵橋下 Cadmium poisoning--- Cause cancer Lead,copper---Heavy metal poison 屏東縣新埤鄉響潭村 Phenol poisoning---Cause cancer Top 5 polluted area Environmental Problems

Group 6 Taiwan’s Environmental Problems The Quality of Air Year Detector*Day Air Pollution Index ( PSI ) Good0-50So so Bad Worse Damaged > Environmental Problems

The Principles of Environmental Policy Taiwan Sustainable Development Commensalism Economic Efficiency Ecodevelopment Populace Participation International Cooperation Holland Five Gold Rules 1. Use technology as a bridge between economy and ecology 2. Benchmark with the best performers in the world 3. High demands strengthen innovative power 4. Work bottom up, commit all stakeholder 5. Give environmental impact a price Cleaner Technology Strategy Environmental Policies

Environmental Policy Taiwan Protect resource water area Cut down the number of pig Reduce the usage of water Enhance water treatment facilities efficiency Holland High price policy Separate dispose different sewage Water Board Water resource Environmental Policies

Monergy Taiwan Introduce clean energy Encourage using energy efficiency equipment Energy education Holland Encourage using energy efficiently Encourage energy technology development Populace participation Environmental Policies

Waste Policy Taiwan Recycling Enhance waste disposal Efficiency Build the industrial waste disposal systems Holland Prevention Reuse/Recycling Economic-Incentive Environmental Policies

Air Policy Taiwan Total Capacity Control Economic-Incentive Stationary Source Control Mobil Source Control Greening Cities Holland CO 2 Reduction Plan Economic-Incentive Greening Conveyances Environmental Policies

Cleaner Technology Strategy in Holland 1979, Motion Lansink set the priorities for waste management: 1.Prevention 2.Recycling 3.Incineration 4.Landfill. Group 6 Cleaner Tech. Strategy

Cleaner Technology –mostly related to the pollution prevention approach, covers : 1.good housekeeping 2.process modifications 3.changing input materials 4.on-site recycling 5.environmental product improvement Group 6 Cleaner Technology Strategy in Holland Cleaner Tech. Strategy

Cleaner Technology –Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) : an analysis of environmental impact through the whole product cycle.Various computer models for LCA: –CML,SIMAPRO,PIA,DESC –Cleaner technology database(industry-specific) set by National Environmental Center –Greening of industry: The avoidance or minimization of the creation of waste and emissions by reduction at source, by on-site recycling and/or by reducing the total level of its harmfulness to the environment. Group 6 Cleaner Technology Strategy in Holland Cleaner Tech. Strategy

Actions taken in Holland : –The substitution of non environmentally-friendly products by environmentally-friendly ones –The development of progressive standards for products and production processes in cooperation with industry (integral life cycle management, energy extension and quality promotion) –Implementation plans for pollution prevention in waste flows –Environmental audits to increase the efficiency of raw material use –Integration of standards for the quantity and quality of waste flows, the registration of compounds, and prevention plans in permits –Introduction of "green label" for environmentally-friendly products Group 6 Cleaner Tech. Strategy

Recommendation for Taiwan on Environmental Product Improvement Vision,Strategy,commitment to environmental product design Environment is much more important than others Integration of environmental product improvement in marketing Practical,widely accepted methods to perform LCAs Databases with reliable environmental information National Environmental Center to act as platform for authorities and industries to link demand and supply on environmental technology and know-how Better cooperation with networks abroad Group 6 Recommendation for Taiwan

Thank You for Your Participation Time to Q & A The End Group 6 The end