Carbon footprint calculator Ella Harding 7D
I have created this PowerPoint as a calculator to calculate your carbon footprint. I got my ideas from various carbon calculators on the internet. I hope it all works okay because this is the first time I’ve made something like this. Please use the drawing keys at the bottom of the screen to make a tally of which answers you chose
Carbon Footprint Calculator Click “START” to begin STA RT
Foo d Is your food shopping mainly at the.... nearest supermarket (even if it means driving there) nearest food shop (walking or driving) nearest organic locally produced food shop fruit and veg box delivered to your door Please select one ABCdABCd ABCD WRITE YOUR TALLY IN HERE!
How often do you wash? Please select one shower once a day shower a few times a week bath a few times a week bath once a day wat er ABCdABCd ABCD
Do you... Please select one always leave lights and electrical objects on/stanby try to turn lights and electrical objects off if and when you remember always turn lights off just never electrical objects always turn off lights and electrical objects when they are not in use Electricit y ABAB CDCD ABCD
What vehicle do you own? Please select one van/lorry large car small car none, if I need to get somewhere I get public transport A B C D ABCD
What type of building do you live in? Please select one detached house or bungalow semi detached house terraced house block of flats/apartments house A B C D ABCD
What do you do with your rubbish? Please select one chuck it away in the bin, what else? try and put some in the recycling…. sort it out into compost, recycling and general rubbish, when I remember… always take care to sort it into compost recycling and general rubbish waste A B C D ABCD
When you watch videos on climate change and how we affect the environment loads everyday, how do you feel and what do you do? Please click on one I don’t watch climate videos so I couldn’t answer that question I feel bad but can’t be bothered to do anything I make small changes to my way of living to help save the environment I act straight away, there’s no time to lose! Alert everyone I know to help write a petition to the government to help save the world! WE MUST ACT NOW!! Climate change A B C D ABCD
Do you have any energy, or eco-friendly things that you use to help fuel your house eg. Solar panels? Please select one-bear in mind that you don’t have to completely match the answer but choose the one that sounds most like you! Urmm, no. what’s a solar panel?! I think my house is facing the wrong way…but too expensive even if it was facing south! we have one solar panel and we are trying to get involved with the wind turbine project… yep! Our whole roof is covered with them! We also have a mini wind turbine that powers the electricity for an hour a day ENERGY SAVER A B C D ABCD
So here are the results... Mostly A’s Mostl y B’s Mostly C’s Mostly D’s Oh, dear. Looks like someone isn’t keeping their Carbon footprint under control, try swapping all the bulbs in your house for energy efficient ones, this could save you tonnes of energy, literally! Well, you’re okay but not good. You should try and remember to be more energy efficient. It may seem like a waste of time, but it isn’t and if you don’t do it, you will be wasting away the world Great! Just the odd change here and there, and you’ll be on your way to being a super saver of electricity! WOW! You’ve done well, your carbon footprint is tiny, keep up all the good work and you could save the planet!!