Name of Organization: Profile, Activities, Plans AFA General Assembly May 2014 Bali, Indonesia
Central Tea Cooperative Federation Ltd. Nepal
Organization VMG Vision: Economic Development through promotion of Tea Cooperatives. Mission: CTCF enable its Member Tea Cooperatives by lobby and advocacy, providing support services to run their professional businesses in organic tea farming aming to promote tea tourism in an environmental friendly way. Goal: To provide quality services to member cooperatives, develop skilled human resources and develop organizational capacities of member cooperatives.
General Profile Year established: 2010 Total individual members: 3752 male 1103 female, Total 4857 Total number of Farmer organizations: 75 cooperatives and 5 district federations Total provinces/districts/covered by your org: 11 district Number of board member: 11male 2 female Organizational Structure:
Organizational Structure
Major programs/services to members Entrepreneurial and organizational strengthening of primary cooperatives and its members Small Tea Processing Units (STPUs) in access to markets and enterprise development Lobby and advocacy focusing on a conducive environment and access to services for small tea farmers Improved financial management and Monitoring and Evaluation by CTCF
Major Advocacies Major IssuesPosition/Policy ProposalAccomplishments/Gains Sustainable FarmingLobby with the government with subsidy Organic farming and certification cost and organic input subsidy. Lobby with the ministry of Agricultural development and they are positive to give subsidy for organic inputs for tea farming. Land rights Trade agreementsRegistration and support to Collective Marks of tea cooperatives production. Department of industry positive to register the collective mark of CO- OPERATIVES’ TEA NEPAL and Trade and export Promotion Centre positive to support promote this mark (logo)
Major Plans C.NMajor ActivitiesMonth 1Capacity developments training to cooperatives, to make strategic plan of CTCF and members cooperatives Feb – Dec. 2Lobby and advocacy with the government for favorable tea policy for small holder farmers Regular 3National level stakeholder holder meeting for support small holders tea farmers July 4Exposure visit for tea farmers to IndiaMay 5Market linkage to tea farmers with national and international tea buyers Regular