Changes to SSO Extract: Based on DEWG discussions in 2005, ERCOT is recommending the following changes to the SSOE: In lieu of the current daily files and weekly re-baselines, the following extracts will be able to be scheduled by Market Participants (see details on next slide): Initial Monthly Daily With the market release of the extract, the SSOE will become a scheduled extract. This means the extract will not automatically be provided to current MPs. MPs must chose to SCHEDULE the extract if they want to receive it on a daily basis. Ability to un-schedule will also be available. Extracts that are scheduled will be delivered the following day. ERCOT Implementation Date: January 18, 2007 Market Implementation Date: Monday, February 20, 2007 Changes to SSO Extract: Based on DEWG discussions in 2005, ERCOT is recommending the following changes to the SSOE: In lieu of the current daily files and weekly re-baselines, the following extracts will be able to be scheduled by Market Participants (see details on next slide): Initial Monthly Daily With the market release of the extract, the SSOE will become a scheduled extract. This means the extract will not automatically be provided to current MPs. MPs must chose to SCHEDULE the extract if they want to receive it on a daily basis. Ability to un-schedule will also be available. Extracts that are scheduled will be delivered the following day. ERCOT Implementation Date: January 18, 2007 Market Implementation Date: Monday, February 20, 2007 Siebel Service Order Extract / TDSP ESIID Report PR EDW Siebel Transition As of September 20, 2006Page 1
Scheduled Extract Options: Initial – ERCOT can provide an Ad-Hoc initial Extract. This “FULL” may be requested once per quarter. ERCOT recommends also scheduling the daily extract if this option is chosen. Monthly – Also an Ad-Hoc Extract, this option includes data with addtimes for the previous twelve months and may be requested once per month. Daily – Consistent with the current daily Extract, this option provides data from the previous day. The reporting period would display net changes from 00:00: :59:59 of the prior day. Scheduled Extract Options: Initial – ERCOT can provide an Ad-Hoc initial Extract. This “FULL” may be requested once per quarter. ERCOT recommends also scheduling the daily extract if this option is chosen. Monthly – Also an Ad-Hoc Extract, this option includes data with addtimes for the previous twelve months and may be requested once per month. Daily – Consistent with the current daily Extract, this option provides data from the previous day. The reporting period would display net changes from 00:00: :59:59 of the prior day. Siebel Service Order Extract PR EDW Siebel Transition As of September 20, 2006 Page 2
PR EDW Siebel Transition Siebel Service Order Extract Questions Received: Why was the option for a weekly report removed? Cost and Usage statistics Refer to slides from August 2005 DEWG presentation by C. Lane Combination of then identified and recommended options 2 & 3 Why can’t we have an option to produce a report with everything not yet completed? Not the sole reason behind/requirement of the current SSOE As this is not a current report, to do this would require an SCR Potential future Web Services Request Questions Received: Why was the option for a weekly report removed? Cost and Usage statistics Refer to slides from August 2005 DEWG presentation by C. Lane Combination of then identified and recommended options 2 & 3 Why can’t we have an option to produce a report with everything not yet completed? Not the sole reason behind/requirement of the current SSOE As this is not a current report, to do this would require an SCR Potential future Web Services Request As of September 20, 2006 Page 3
Currently being updated in PR Enhance ESIID Lookup Functionality to add Lodestar ESIID characteristics and open Siebel Service Order data PR will move extract to be produced out of the Siebel and Lodestar ODS DDL will be updated with PR to include a field for the POLR Customer Class that will be populated with PR TX Set 3.0 implementation Currently being updated in PR Enhance ESIID Lookup Functionality to add Lodestar ESIID characteristics and open Siebel Service Order data PR will move extract to be produced out of the Siebel and Lodestar ODS DDL will be updated with PR to include a field for the POLR Customer Class that will be populated with PR TX Set 3.0 implementation TDSP ESIID Report PR EDW Siebel Transition As of September 20, 2006 Page 4
Discontinuation of Darkside Report: ERCOT will be discontinuing the Darkside Report due to low usage and reporting validity. The Darkside Report was never implemented completely to display the “Darkside” reporting (complete transaction lifecycle) and usage on the report is extremely low. Should a need for the data be identified, DEWG will need to sponsor an SCR. ERCOT is currently looking for information from any Market Participant utilizing this report to determine the need for the data and if such data is available elsewhere. ERCOT is scheduled to discontinue the Darkside Reports December 2, 2006 in association with PR_ RBP. Discontinuation of Darkside Report: ERCOT will be discontinuing the Darkside Report due to low usage and reporting validity. The Darkside Report was never implemented completely to display the “Darkside” reporting (complete transaction lifecycle) and usage on the report is extremely low. Should a need for the data be identified, DEWG will need to sponsor an SCR. ERCOT is currently looking for information from any Market Participant utilizing this report to determine the need for the data and if such data is available elsewhere. ERCOT is scheduled to discontinue the Darkside Reports December 2, 2006 in association with PR_ RBP. Market Participant Transaction Report (aka Darkside) Discontinuation of MP Transaction Report As of September 20, 2006 Page 6
Process for Discontinuation of Reports/Extracts: ERCOT monitors usage statistics to identify reports/extracts with low volume of usage. ERCOT works with DEWG to review the statistics to make determination of discontinuation of report/extract. This information is then updated at COPS. ERCOT and DEWG assess value of data and determine if it is available elsewhere. ERCOT reaches out to Market Participants utilizing reports to determine the need for the information. (**Currently where we are for the Darkside Report) ERCOT sends notification to the Market for discontinuing the report/extract. 25 Day advance notice Reminder the week of Follow up notice once report/extract has been discontinued (optional) Should a later need for the data be determined, DEWG will need to sponsor an SCR. Process for Discontinuation of Reports/Extracts: ERCOT monitors usage statistics to identify reports/extracts with low volume of usage. ERCOT works with DEWG to review the statistics to make determination of discontinuation of report/extract. This information is then updated at COPS. ERCOT and DEWG assess value of data and determine if it is available elsewhere. ERCOT reaches out to Market Participants utilizing reports to determine the need for the information. (**Currently where we are for the Darkside Report) ERCOT sends notification to the Market for discontinuing the report/extract. 25 Day advance notice Reminder the week of Follow up notice once report/extract has been discontinued (optional) Should a later need for the data be determined, DEWG will need to sponsor an SCR. Discontinuation of MP Transaction Report As of September 20, 2006 Page 7 Market Participant Transaction Report (aka Darkside)