Colorado Space Grant Consortium Gateway To Space ASEN / ASTR 2500 Class #06 Gateway To Space ASEN / ASTR 2500 Class #06
- We are now a class of 68 - HW 03 Assigned Today and next week - Movie Night This Thursday at 6:00 PM in ECCR I bring the food, you bring the drinks - General Questions? Announcements:
One Minute Paper:
Colorado Space Grant Consortium Team Videos Class #06 Team Videos Class #06
Fall 2006 Team Video
Your Mission
Civilization as you know it has been destroyed by killer tomatoes from Io. You and your clan are trying to understand what’s going on with the planet. Your clan has liberated EOSS headquarters and they are now at your disposal. Your clan also has access to the entire inventory at, large amounts of gaseous helium, latex balloons, a machine shop, foam core, various batteries and a Noodles & Co, which still continues to operate. The fate of planet Earth is in your hands.
Colorado Space Grant Consortium Request for Proposals Class #06 Request for Proposals Class #06
What is an RFP? - There is a lot of money out there - There are a lot of ideas - Request For Proposal bring them together - Most satellites were at one time an RFP - Most of you will write or help write a proposal in your job - Now is your time to practice
To Recap RFP: -Final weight shall not exceed 1000 grams - Shall image the Earth or the Balloon during flight and shall record internal and external temperature - Must have an additional experiment Chapter 8 nearspace.asp Chapter 8 nearspace.asp - Must follow all the guidelines while writing proposal - Why and How – this is your plan and foundation for project - Using screen shots…
So... -Take the ideas you came up with individually during the HW#2 - Start with these in your team and expand them during HW #3 - But…Keep It Simple Stupid (KISS Principle) - Start now! - You are writing a proposal not a request for proposal - Proposals September 23, Launch is November 15, 2008
What You Get…
17 Camera on Mars
Colorado Space Grant Consortium Semester Theme Class #06 Semester Theme Class #06
Fundamental Problems… -Weather - Night/daylight - Other
The Main Point A high-altitude, balloon-borne optical telescope could generate high resolution images on a par with HST. But do it at a tiny fraction of the cost.
The value of High Angular Resolution is obvious. 14,000 ft 250 miles
Just how high up do you have to go to avoid all clouds and stormy weather and start having space-like astronomical observing conditions?
A photo taken from the window of a TR-1 (U2) aircraft from an altitude of around 75,000 ft.
Lake Tahoe, CA
View of Oregon from a U2 flying at 70,000 ft. The cloud deck is more than 30,000 ft below. There is simply no weather above 60 kft. And the sky gets very dark.
Closing Items:
Science Theme: 1.0 Sky Brightness Measurements 2.0 Video Capture of Stars Using CCD Imaging System 3.0 Stabilized Video Capture of Stars 4.0 Attitude Determination of Instrumentation 5.0 Attitude Determination and Control of Instrumentation
Presentation: Presentation Templates
Final Written Report: Design Document Template
Final Presentation: -Should cover same items in report - team video
Functional Block Diagram:
Requirements Definition Marcin Pilinski Chris Koehler Colorado Space Grant Consortium
Anatomy of Requirements Mission Statement (aka Mission Goal) A very general description of the problem being addressed by the system. Mission Objectives 3 to 5 general statements elaborating the Mission Statement. Objective Requirements Quantify each objective: when, what, where, for how long System Requirements The system as a whole must perform to this set of specifications in order to meet the objective requirements, mission objectives, and mission statements Subsystem Requirements Each subsystem must perform to these specifications in order to meet the criteria defined above. This part is done separately for each subsystem i.e. power, mechanical, computer, science, thermal. Step 1: General definition. Subjective description and a few numbers Step 2: Numbers and ranges. Focus in on defining the problem. Step 3: Subsystems. Repeat step 2 for every subsystem, tracing from system requirements G O Requirements Level
An Example from Class: Icarus Goal (G1) The BalloonSat Aquintus shall ascend to an altitude of approximately 100,000 feet to carry out scientific experiments that will measure tilt of the satellite, forces acting upon it, wind speed, and solar energy to better understand the conditions in which high altitude observatories would be in. Goal (G1) The BalloonSat Aquintus shall ascend to an altitude of approximately 100,000 feet to carry out scientific experiments that will measure tilt of the satellite, forces acting upon it, wind speed, and solar energy to better understand the conditions in which high altitude observatories would be in. Goal (G1) The BalloonSat Aquintus shall ascend to an altitude of approximately 100,000 feet to carry out scientific experiments that will measure tilt of the satellite, forces acting upon it, wind speed, and solar energy to better understand the conditions in which high altitude observatories would be in. O1 (comes from G1) Construct BalloonSat to improve understanding of HA conditions at X-100,000 ft for under $YYY dollars by MM/DD/YYYY. O2 (comes from G1) Measure tilt in one axis and forces in the range of X mN to YmN as a function of altitude in the range of X-100,000. O3 (comes from G1) Measure wind speed perpendicular to one face of the BalloonSat and solar energy as a function of altitude.
2. Objective Requirements and System Requirements Before Starting the next level… (system level or level 1 in this scheme) 1.A requirement must be NECESSARY, must have a clear need 2.A requirement must be TRACEABLE 3.A requirement must HAVE A METHOD OF VERIFICATION 4.A requirement must be ATTAINABLE 5.A requirement must be CLEAR 1.SYS2The system shall determine the densities of neutral particles to a 1-sigma precision of 2x kg/m 3. (Goal 1x kg/m 3 ). O3 Ex.
2. Objective Requirements and System Requirements General Guidelines and Wisdom For the Young Engineer 1.A requirement defines the “WHAT” not the “HOW” –“HOW” defines the implementation, i.e. the solution –“WHAT” defines the functionality which is the first thing you need before starting anything! 2.A requirement has some standardized wording –shall: denotes a requirement which must be verified, use it in every requirement “there is no try, only do or do-not” –should: denotes a goal for which a best effort will be made –will: denotes a factual or explanatory statement 3.A requirement is succinct, strong, and gets to the point fast –Avoid “or” statements and “if” stipulations –No wordiness, a brief statement saying WHAT the system shall do. –DO NOT use the following words or ones like it: A FEW WEASEL WORDS TO AVOID: Adequate, Always, Bad, Better, Clearly, Easily, Efficient, Etc., Every, High, Ideal, Large, Maximize, Maximum, May, Most, Minimize, Minimum, Must, Never, Normal, Rapid, Real-time, Satisfactory, Significant, Simultaneous, Small, Sometimes, Sufficient, User-friendly, Worse… These words introduce ambiguity, doubt, and deception… …an engineer craves not these things.
Colorado Space Grant Consortium Special Class Discussion Class #06 Special Class Discussion Class #06
Special Class Discussion Class #05 Special Class Discussion Class #05
Special Class Discussion Class #05 Special Class Discussion Class #05
Special Class Discussion Class #05 Special Class Discussion Class #05
Special Class Discussion Class #05 Special Class Discussion Class #05