+ Introductory Webinar: The K-12 Learning Infrastructure Program & Wi-Fi Upgrade Initiative December 6, 2015
The Project This year, the Department of Education is working to ensure that all divisions have the network infrastructure needed to support digital learning in their classrooms. The K-12 Learning Infrastructure Program Robust Wi-Fi in every classroom Fiber to every school Affordable broadband for all divisions Focus of today’s presentation
+ Sequence The Survey The Wi-Fi Upgrade Initiative 3
The Survey The VDoE issued a survey request to all divisions. In conjunction with the Friday Institute this was used to understand more about the current status of wireless Internet in Virginia schools. 4
+ Survey Overview 5 Data from 80 divisions – 989 schools and 43,419 classrooms This represents: 53% of the 1,857 schools in VA 32% of the ADM Some divisions did not report school code and number of classrooms Responses to Survey Assuming: 90,190 classrooms (based on Oct. 19 survey) 1,279,739 ADM (from DOE 2015 membership statistics) Data Used to Model Program Budget
+ Schools Having Completed Survey by Oct 30 6
+ Wireless Data Reported (Oct 30) 7 Access Points 37,858 APs 14,620 APs were installed after 2013 (39%) Fairfax reports 10,809 APs Current state of Wi-Fi Wide variety of AP vendors currently in use 18.5% of schools report better than 1.0 AP per classroom 9.6% of schools report better than 1.2 AP per classroom Survey respondents indicate that fewer than 10% of schools reported more than 1.2 access points per classroom.
+ Extrapolation from Survey Data 8 Virginia has a great opportunity for collective purchasing. Schools and Classrooms Number of schools1,857 Number of classrooms90,190 Number of schools with 40+ classrooms1,046 Number of schools with 90+ classrooms145 Wireless Number of APs required to meet State standard112,738 Cable Number of Cat5 runs to upgrade29,397 Number of new Cat6A runs needed18,938
The Goal Sustainable Wi-Fi in Virginia Classrooms The Virginia Department of Education (VDoE) is partnering with EducationSuperHighway, the Friday Institute, and Division Leaders to provide assistance with upgrades to Wi-Fi and internal connections in Virginia classrooms. 9 The Wi-Fi Upgrade Initiative
+ The state does the RFP One statewide 470 Volume discounts Menu of E-rate Category 2 options Switches Access Points, Other eligible equipment Ready for upcoming e-rate cycle Why divisions should participate… The State Wi-Fi Contract
+ How purchasing will work… 11 Virginia Public School Districts are eligible Districts still file for e-rate Equipment will meet state standards Two purchasing options: 1. Purchase from statewide contract(s)… OR… 2. Division files their own 470
+ Process and Timeline 12 December '15February '16March '16April '16 RFPSelectionMini-Bid471s RFP released State files 470 Select vendors Award contracts Division procure services via the mini-bid process Divisions file 471s against state contract Coming Soon Program information page on the DOE website Superintendent’s Memo Webinar invite to provide updates and gain division feedback
+ Friday Institute Phil Emer Ray Zeisz Education SuperHighway Andrew Kenny Yasmin Narielvala Jen Overgaag Elle Patterson Tony Swei VITA Doug Crenshaw Jimmy MacKenzie Amy Pierce Project Team Members 13 Department of Education Bobby Keener Mark Saunders Brian Gibbs Wilson Gail Warren Nonie Barnstein District Leaders Jack Donald Tery Hawthorne Joe Dan Johnson Tim Tillman Jeff Faust Janet Coperhaven Advisors Core Team
+ Contacts 14 Gail Warren Supervisor of Curriculum and Student Services Virtual Virginia (757) Bobby Keener Chief Technology Innovation Officer Virginia Department of Education (804) Bobby Keener Chief Technology Innovation Officer Virginia Department of Education (804)