2015 NOFA Committee Orientation. A Continuum of Care (CoC) is a regional or local planning body that coordinates housing and services funding for homeless.


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Presentation transcript:

2015 NOFA Committee Orientation

A Continuum of Care (CoC) is a regional or local planning body that coordinates housing and services funding for homeless families and individuals. Organizations such as: nonprofit homeless providers, victim service providers, faith-based organizations, governments, businesses, advocates, public housing agencies, school districts, social service providers, mental health agencies, hospitals, universities, affordable housing developers, law enforcement, organizations that serve homeless and formerly homeless veterans and homeless and formerly homeless persons. What is a Continuum of Care?

HUD has identified the minimum planning requirements for a CoC so that it coordinates and implements a system that meets the needs of the homeless population within its geographical area.  Coordinated Assessment System  Written Standards  Homeless Management Information System (HMIS)  System of Care (ES, TH, RRH, PSH and Prevention)  Coordinates annual funding competition  Point In Time Count  Annual Gaps Analysis  Coordination with Consolidated Plans and ESG communities HUD CoC Responsibilities

CoC Grants Awarded Total Grants Awarded: $228,507,662

2014 NOFA INVESTMENTS PROJECT TYPE2014 Awards Percent of Annual Renewal Demand Permanent Supportive Housing projects$14,992,09974% Rapid Rehousing projects$2,926,72915% Transitional Housing projects$1,638,4148% Homeless Management Information System$341,3352% CoC Planning Grant$206,2041% TOTAL$20,034,781100%

2015 Continuum of Care NOFA Process

2014 NOFA Competition Feedback Multiple log-ins for grantees with more than one grant Align MDHI RFP with HUD NOFA (Part 1 / Part 2) Consistency between WizeHive and esnaps Grantee concerns about scoring of applications and consistency between project scores - Several review teams were inconsistent in scores Update/clarify attachment forms Request for more details regarding specific scores HUD consultant recommendations: Use CoC wide dashboard in review process Provide CoC wide/agency dashboard at grantee training Crosswalk HMIS APR with esnaps APR – consistency

2015 HUD CoC Registration Completed May 15, 2015 Authorize increases in project administrative costs, leasing, rental assistance, and operating funds for renewal projects Collaborative Applicants may request CoC planning costs up to the full 3 percent or $1,250,000,whichever is less, of the FY 2015 Final Pro Rata Need (FPRN) In order to create new projects, CoCs may use the reallocation process to create:  new permanent supportive housing projects that serve chronically homeless individuals and families;  new rapid re-housing projects for homeless individuals and families;  new projects for dedicated HMIS; or  new Supportive Services Only (SSO) projects for centralized or coordinated assessment systems.

2015 HUD CoC Registration CoCs may choose to eliminate or reduce one or more eligible renewal projects to create one or more reallocated projects. The amount eliminated or reduced for the purposes of reallocation will be retained by the CoC, provided that the new proposed project(s) meets eligibility and quality thresholds established by HUD in the FY 2015 CoC Program Competition NOFA in order to be selected for funding. CoCs are prohibited from reallocating administrative costs to create new projects. Options for reallocation: 1. Select low performing project for re-allocation 2. Lower renewal amount by recaptured funds to create new project 3. New Bonus awards 4. Other options

2015 HUD Priorities A. Policy Priorities. CoC and project applications submitted to HUD for the FY 2015 CoC Program Competition will be evaluated in part based on the extent to which they further HUD’s goals as articulated in HUD’s Strategic Plan and Opening Doors: Federal Strategic Plan to Prevent and End Homelessness (Opening Doors). 1. Strategic Resource Allocation. a) Comprehensive review of projects a) Maximize use of mainstream resources a) Partnerships a) Transitional housing

2015 HUD Priorities A. Policy Priorities. CoC and project applications submitted to HUD for the FY 2015 CoC Program Competition will be evaluated in part based on the extent to which they further HUD’s goals as articulated in HUD’s Strategic Plan and Opening Doors: Federal Strategic Plan to Prevent and End Homelessness (Opening Doors). 2. Ending Chronic Homelessness a) Increasing units b) Targeting 3. Ending Family Homelessness 4. Ending Youth Homelessness 5. Ending Veteran Homelessness

2015 HUD Priorities Policy Priorities. CoC and project applications submitted to HUD for the FY 2015 CoC Program Competition will be evaluated in part based on the extent to which they further HUD’s goals as articulated in HUD’s Strategic Plan and Opening Doors: Federal Strategic Plan to Prevent and End Homelessness (Opening Doors). 6. Using a Housing First Approach. Housing First is an approach to homeless assistance that prioritizes rapid placement and stabilization in permanent housing and does not have service participation requirements or preconditions such as sobriety or a minimum income threshold. HUD encourages all types of projects to adopt a Housing First approach. Specific steps to support a community-wide housing first approach include: a. Removing Barriers b. Centralized or Coordinated Assessment System c. Client-centered service delivery d. Prioritizing Households Most in Need e. Inclusive Decision Making

2015 CoC NOFA Review Process HUD will continue the Tier 1 and Tier 2 funding process in the FY 2015 CoC Program Competition to promote a more competitive process between CoCs. CoCs will also have the opportunity to apply for bonus projects. CoCs will be required to rank all projects submitted by project applicants in e-snaps including: renewal and new projects created through reallocation, and new bonus projects

This year we will be reviewing:  Transitional Housing Projects  Permanent Supportive Housing Projects  Safe Haven Project  Possible New Project(s) 2015 CoC NOFA Review Process

Anticipated 2015 Schedule  Release of HUD CoC NOFA  Alignment of MDHI Renewal RFP, Renewal Project review tool, New Project RFP, New Project review tool, development of time line  Posting of 2015 NOFA and MDHI RFP’s  Orientation of grantees, finalize RFPs /review tools  Orientation for MDHI NOFA committee  NOFA committee reviews and scores renewals/new projects  NOFA committee teams meet to review preliminary scores and finalize team scores

Anticipated 2015 Schedule  Entire NOFA committee meets to rank renewal/new project applications  Recommended ranking of renewal and new projects p0sted to MDHI website  Appeal process begins  Submitted appeals reviewed by select members of NOFA committee and MDHI staff  Appeal decisions announced  Final ranking determined by NOFA committee  Final recommended ranking presented to MDHI Board  Submission of NOFA application by deadline

Tools Needed by Reviewers For renewals : 1. Paper copy of Renewal Application (for reference) 2. Paper copy of Renewal Scoring Tool (for reference) 3. HMIS 2014 Data Quality Report 4. APR Summary Report 5. HUD summarized recaptured funds report 6. Renewal Application attachments

For new project(s): 1.Blank paper New Project Application (for reference) 2.Applicant’s copy of paper application with attachments 3.Blank New Project Scoring Tool for each new project being reviewed. In 21014, new projects were not reviewed in WizeHive, as paper copies of the application were reviewed. The paper scoring tool used for the evaluation was returned to MDHI staff with comments included. Tools Needed by Reviewers

Application Ranking Appeals The appeals process will be posted on the MDHI website for applicants Appeals will be allowed only in cases where applicant has concerns about scoring result – new information will not be allowed in appeal process If appeals are received, they will be reviewed by members of the NOFA Review Committee that did not originally score the application as well as MDHI staff

Additional Information Use of WizeHive as application submission, review and ranking portal Technical assistance – Joe Baker, Teri Marquantte, HUD Ask-A-Question Clear documentation throughout review process Recommendations to CoC stakeholders & MDHI Board Questions?