Office of Overseas Programming & Training Support (OPATS) Care and Support Services and Principles HIV Care, Support, and Treatment
Review: Definition of Care and Support A comprehensive, wide range of services for PLHIV and caregivers (other than ART) that meet holistic needs
Review: The Continuum of Care
Review: Continuum of Care: Definition A network that links, coordinates, and consolidates care, support, and treatment services (provided in homes, communities, and health facilities) and is also the group of services themselves
Review: Care and Support Services In the Overview of CST session, you learned that care and support services can be categorized under two broad headings: Clinical care Psychological and social support (psychosocial for short)
Clinical Care and Psychosocial Support Activity, Part I: Distribute names of service cards to the left side of the room. These cards have the name of a clinical care or psychosocial support service. Distribute the explanation of service cards to the right side of the room. These cards have the explanation of a clinical care or psychosocial support service. “Match the name of the service to its explanation
Clinical Care and Psychosocial Services Activity, Part II: Now decide if your cards (service + explanation) fall under CLINICAL care or PSYCHOSOCIAL support. Stand under the appropriate sign. Discuss with others WHY you are standing under that sign. A few of you will then explain for the large group.
Clinical Care Addresses physical suffering and needs of PLHIV Includes: – Prevention and treatment of Opportunistic Illnesses (e.g., TB, Sexually-transmitted Illnesses, Hepatitis) – Malaria prevention and treatment – Positive Health, Dignity, and Prevention (supporting PLHIV to prevent spread of HIV)
Clinical Care Includes: – Palliative Care – Adherence Counseling (adhering to antiretroviral treatment) – Harm Reduction: preventing harm associated with use of drugs (e.g., needle and syringe programs and opioid substitution therapy – Nutrition – Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene
Psychosocial Support Addresses the non-physical needs of PLHIV and their caregivers Includes: – Mental Health Screening and Referrals – Counseling and Peer Support Groups – Positive Living (PLHIV learn to stay healthier through diet, exercise, illness prevention, stress management, decision-making in their illness, etc.)
Psychosocial Support Includes: – Spiritual care – Economic support – Legal support
Guiding Principles Confidentiality Respect for PLHIV autonomy Addressing barriers of stigma and discrimination, gender inequity Beneficial disclosure Sensitivity to culture, gender, age, and vulnerabilities of PLHIV
Theory and Practice What strikes you about our discussion? How do these lists and descriptions of services and the guiding principles compare to the reality of what you observe in your situation?