Capitalization in Titles of books, essays, articles, movies, and people.
The General Rule The major words in the titles of books, articles, and songs (but not short prepositions or the articles "the," "a," or "an," if they are not the first word of the title(or following a : or ;)).
Titles of Books, Essays, Movies, Articles The rules say to capitalize all major words (nouns, pronouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs) and first word in book titles. The Cat in the Hat by Dr. Suess A Far Cry from Home “The Itch: A Discussion on Poison Ivy”
Titles of Books, Essays, etc. Capitalize the first and last words and all important words in titles of books, magazines, essays, newspapers, poems, short stories, historical documents, movies, television programs, and works of music or art. **The article the before a title is not capitalized unless it is the first word of the title itself. The World Almanac - - Use The World Almanac as a reference for your paper. The Wizard of Oz - - The Wizard of Oz is my favorite movie. Chicago Sun Times - - I enjoy reading the Chicago Sun Times.
Titles of People Capitalize the title of a person when the title comes before the name. Governor Little became a Senator Little in Sergeant Major Loring will deploy in December. Capitalize a title used alone or following a person’s name only when you want to emphasize the position someone holds (usually a high office). The Secretary of Treasury had lunch with the Secretary of State. Can you see me now, Doctor? The secretary of the student council took notes at the meeting.
Titles in Family Relationships Capitalize a word showing a family relationship when the word is used before or in place of a person’s name. **Do not capitalize a word showing a family relationship when a possessive comes before the word. Both Aunt Emily and Mom like to make pies. Marc’s mother and my uncle are related.