Topographic Maps
Show Ups & Downs of Land Topographic Map
Contour Lines Connect points of equal elevation form loops Smaller loops usually mean you are going up.
Contour Interval is the change in elevation between one contour line and the adjacent contour line. In this map = 20 feet
(What is the contour interval on this map?)
Depression Contours & Hachure Marks Depression Contour Hachure Marks
Topographic Profile Shows land from side view. (Topo maps are bird’s-eye views!) Topographic Profile
Rivers don’t fork downstream- they converge. Downstream Not This Correct
Magnetic Declination is the difference (direction and degrees) between where compasses point and true North. 12 degrees west Different areas have different Amounts of declination. Sometimes the compass is off to the East; other times, to the West.