1. One evening a Wolf with much hungry: a) came to farm b)see some chickens in the farmyard c) But there a big and strong dog o 2. The farmer put out food for the dog a) The wolf said: “good evening” and asks the dog: Do you get that much food every day? b) The dog said: “good evening” “two times in the day”. c) The dog invited to live with him, the only he have is watch the chickens. d) The wolf said: With not?
3. : The wolf observed something under the dog's ears: a) The dog said: is for the chain. b) Not even a minute: The wolf said: I don’t want a chain around by neck. c) The wolf said: Goodbye and ran away still hungry.
Evening: (n.) the end of the day and the early put of the night. Farmyard: (n.) an area with farm buildings around it. Strong: (adj.) having a lot of physical power. Fight: (v.) if people or animals fight, they use violence against each other. Mouth: (n.) the part of your face that you use for the speaking and eating. Breakfast: (n.) the meal you have in the morning. Watch: (v.) to look at and pay attention to something or someone. Under: (adv.) below or at a lower level than something, or covered by it. Chain:( n.) series of metal, to you a chain to fasten one thing or person to another.
Neck: (n.) the part of your body that joins your head to your shoulders. Farmer: (n.) someone who owns or manages a farm. Hurt: (v.)to injure yourself or someone else. Wear : (v.) to have something on your body, especially clothes or jewelry. Hunting: (n.) the act of chasing animals in order to catch or kill them. Food: (n.) things that people and animals eat, such as vegetables or meat.
The moral of this story is that one should never wait by others. Because you have to do things for yourself, although you see complicated. We must fight for what we want to achieve.