FEDERATION CONSULTATION Kenton Primary School and Kenn C of E Primary School
AGENDA What is Federation? What is Federation? Why are we consulting about Federation between Kenn and Kenton Primary Schools? Why are we consulting about Federation between Kenn and Kenton Primary Schools? What would a Federation between these schools mean to me and my child? What would a Federation between these schools mean to me and my child? What will the next steps be? What will the next steps be? Q & A session Q & A session
What is Federation? Where two or more Schools share a single governing body with shared goals. The current governing bodies will be dissolved and a new body elected
Why are we consulting about Federation between Kenn and Kenton Primary Schools? Both schools wish to improve outcomes for all children by broadening their learning and social experiences Both schools wish to improve outcomes for all children by broadening their learning and social experiences Both schools wish children to benefit from a greater skills base providing increased opportunities for learning Both schools wish children to benefit from a greater skills base providing increased opportunities for learning Both schools wish to provide greater opportunities for children to share experiences and activities both educationally and extra-curricular e.g. residential trips Both schools wish to provide greater opportunities for children to share experiences and activities both educationally and extra-curricular e.g. residential trips Both schools wish to secure the long term future of both schools and their high quality leadership, outstanding learning and individual ethos Both schools wish to secure the long term future of both schools and their high quality leadership, outstanding learning and individual ethos Both schools wish to safeguard the future of both village schools within their local communities Both schools wish to safeguard the future of both village schools within their local communities
Both schools wish to build on the links we already have through the Dawlish Learning Partnership Both schools wish to build on the links we already have through the Dawlish Learning Partnership Both schools wish to further develop and retain of staff, resources and expertise Both schools wish to further develop and retain of staff, resources and expertise Both schools wish to enhance opportunities for staff collaboration and professional development Both schools wish to enhance opportunities for staff collaboration and professional development Both schools wish to further develop economies of scale for procurement and effective use of resources that will help provide a stable financial basis for both schools Both schools wish to further develop economies of scale for procurement and effective use of resources that will help provide a stable financial basis for both schools We are similar schools with similar catchment areas and will be able to We are similar schools with similar catchment areas and will be able to unite in an equal partnership to improve the learning of all of our children unite in an equal partnership to improve the learning of all of our children
What would a Federation between these schools mean to me and my child With our children in mind, potential changes to staffing will be minimal. Amanda and Neil will remain as Headteachers, working together to ensure the above benefits are achieved across the federation. The federation will have one governing body composed of representatives from each school community. To maintain and develop our individual schools’ ethos – own name, identity, characteristics and uniform.
The composition of the proposed federated governing body 2 Parent governors (1 from each school) 2 Headteachers 1 Staff governors 1 Local Authority governor 6 Co-opted governors 2 Foundation governors (including an Ex- officio)
What will the next steps be? 1. The Governors of both schools have set up a consultation process to seek the views of parents, staff, the community, the local authority, the Diocese and other key partners. The consultation process will last 6 school weeks, starting from 13 May Governors would welcome your views and comments 2. Written responses should be addressed to the Chair of Governors of your school and must be received by Monday 1 July 2013 at 3.30 pm. A box for written responses will be provided in each school. If you would rather respond by , please mark ‘Federation consultation’ and to the following addresses: or
3. It is the Governors who will make the final decision, drawing upon a broad evidence base including the views of parents. Each governing body from each school considering federation takes its own decision. As with any governing body decision this is a simple majority taken at a meeting of the full governing bodies. 4. If both governing bodies vote to federate both governing bodies will be dissolved and a joint governing body will be re- constituted.