Welcome to Year 6
Teachers 6AE – Mrs Allen- Monday and Tuesday Mrs East- Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 6S – Mrs Armstrong
SATS These happen in the middle of May 2014 Children will carry out tests in numeracy and literacy. Maths Paper A45 minutes No calculator allowed Maths Paper B45 minutes Calculator allowed Mental Maths Test20 minutes CD Reading Test1 hour SPAG (Spelling, Grammar, Punctuation) 45 minutes Internal Writing - short20 minutes Internal Writing - long45minutes
Homework Children will receive maths, literacy and spelling homework EVERY week. It will be given out on a Friday and will be due in the following Wednesday. Children will also be given a weekly spelling test and times tables test.
Topics Who do you think you are? CSI To Infinity and Beyond
Trips Barton Hall – June Primary Project – July Other class visits yet to be decided… Watch this space…
Any Questions?