In this unit we are going to look at importance of design specification. We are going to: look at the function of design specifications. deciding which specification points are important. content of a design specification.
Some specification points are essential to ensure that the product is successful. What would be an essential specification point for a pair of wellington? There is no point having a pair of wellington boots that are not waterproof however good they looked? Task – working in a pair. Using the two given heading opposite, critical evaluate which features of a mobile phone you consider to be either essential or desirable. Essent ial Desirabl e
In this unit we have combined the expertise on three individuals to show you how they use design specifications. I have my own design company and I will show you how commercial designers work. I have taught pupils how to design for a number of years, testing a number of strategies Having worked as a graphic designers, I have combined some of the methods we used there with ones we use in the department.
Essential Desirable 1. Hold 1l milk 2. Looks good 3. Waterproof 4. Recyclable 5. Easy to open Below are a number of specification points for a milk carton. Look at the points and decide which are ESSENTIAL and which are DESIRABLE for the success of the product. 6. Easy to carry. 7. Nice shape 8. Nice colours
You could refine the design specification a stage further by adding not relevant features. See the matrix opposite. Use this matrix to decide which features are ESSENTIAL, DESIRABLE and NOT RELEVANT to your product. PRODUCT’S FEATURES Aesthetic appeal Style Cost factors Store items Weight Measurements Weatherproof Easy to clean Can be folded Recyclable Portable Safety Ease of use Can be stored Can support weight Easy to maintain Ergonomic considerations SPECIFICATION MATRIX OF THE INITIAL DESIGN Refining the design specifications
Task - Using the matrix opposite decide which feature do you consider to be : Essential Desirable Not relevant for the storage of an ipod holder in a bedroom. PRODUCT’S FEATURES Aesthetic appeal Style Cost factors Store items Weight Measurements Weatherproof Easy to clean Can be folded Recyclable Portable Safety Ease of use Can be stored Can support weight Easy to maintain Ergonomic considerations SPECIFICATION MATRIX OF THE INITIAL DESIGN Just to give you an idea, an exemplar has been completed for you, do you agree? Refining the design specifications
Writing a Design Specification Task - Study the Specification Matrix you produced for the Ipod Storage and write a sentence about each ESSENTIAL feature for that you ticked.. 1.Aesthetic - The product must look good and have modern shapes and strong colours that go well with an ipod. 2.Function - The product must have a modern style that goes well with an ipod. 3.It has to store a Classic ipod. 4.It must be light enough in weight so that it can be moved easily. 5.Must make sure that its safe to use. etc…………………………………………. The End Now add the desirable design speciation features to the list.
Task – you are commissioning a designer to design a product that will hold eggs safely at home in the kitchen. Write a detailed design specification that will enable the designer to produce a product that will match your requirements.
2. Function. 5. Measurements. 4. Safety 3. Sustainability. Task – write a detailed design specification for a product that will hold eggs safely at home in the kitchen clear specification designer has information to create ideas to solve the problems Design Specification:- 1.Aesthetic 6. Other specification points.