Consumer: Business succeeds where consumer is satisfied; ‘Safe food in the Kitchen’ and the ‘Healthy Living’ Section presented through videos is a great help to the consumers. Page - 1
Consumer and food safety section on eFresh Web portal: Food Safety is very important for healthy living and particularly for the food prepared at homes. eFresh brings you presentations prepared by its panel of experts based on reputed national and international publications on food safety and quality for healthy living including preparing safe food in the kitchen. Page - 2
eFresh educates you about the importance of safe food handling and how to reduce the risks associated with food borne illnesses So that your family falls under the category of Food Safe families. The higher risk groups for developing food borne illnesses include pregnant women and their unborn babies, new born, young children, old adults and those with weakened immune systems. Page - 3
Are you, or someone you care for, fall into any of these high risk groups, then pay extra attention for handling food safety in the kitchen. Even in advanced countries like United States, one in six Americans will get sick from food poisoning, that is about 48 million people and most of them will recover without any lasting effects from their illness. Page - 4
However, for some the effects can be devastating and even deadly. For a starter: Always read and follow all cooking instructions printed on food packages before preparation. Page - 5
. For ease of access and comprehensive coverage Consumer Section is divided into the following subsections: Videos. Healthy Living through Food. Healthy Living through Care. Good Hygiene Practices. Food Safety Authorities. Page - 6
. For ease of access and comprehensive coverage Consumer Section is divided into the following subsections: Accredited Labs for Testing. Consumer Rights. FAQs. Food Safety Alerts. Page - 7
Be Food Safe - Clean, Separate, Cook and Chill “Get Connected to eFresh Web Portal and live healthy because health is wealth, and health is happiness” Page - 8