MATTHEW Chapter 12:14-37 “SAY WHAT?” EXPOSED BY OUR WORDS I.INTRODUCTION A.Jesus the Lord of the Sabbath!
1.Matthew 11: HE was the creative force behind creation! a)Pharisees out of line. b)He healed the withered hand. (1) They keep missing the point!
(2)The Law - “about” Him. (3)The Sabbath was “about” Him! (a) Keeping the Law – not possible without Him. (b) No rest without Him (i) Plot to destroy Him (ii) Can’t control Jesus (a) Not much different today.
II.Matthew 12:14-21 A.Pharisees conspired with the Herodians. 1.Herod beheaded John the Baptist! B.From Isaiah a picture of Jesus.
1.Loved by His Father. a) He is perfect! (1)Jesus withdrew from there. III.Matthew 12:22-23 A.The crowds beginning to get it.
1.A man cannot do what Jesus is doing. IV.Matthew 12:24 A.“His work is from satan!” 1.Pharisees now treading upon holy ground.
V.Matthew 12:25-26 A.Why would satan destroy his own work?” 1.Great wisdom for a husband and wife. a)A house divided will also fall!
VI.Matthew 12:27 A.Pharisees taught their “disciples” to cast out demons. 1.Jesus saying, “You do the same thing!” VII.Matthew 12:28
A.If from God – you are looking at the Messiah! VIII.Matthew 12:29 A. “strong man” = satan 1.God is superior! 2.Here Jesus draws the line!
IX.Matthew 12:30-36 A.Pharisees blasphemed the Holy Spirit! 1.Matthew 12:34 2.You are not gathering for God! a) Matthew 12:36-37
X.CONCLUSION A.The Christian’s vocabulary changes. 1.The Pharisees doing satan’s work. 2.Jesus accused of doing satan’s work!
a)One of the indicators was their speech. (1) Which side are we on?