Regional Nutrition Education and Obesity Prevention Centers of Excellence National Coordination Center at the University of Kentucky
RNECE Initiative Objectives Strengthen the evidence-base on effective nutrition education and obesity prevention programs for diverse population groups Evaluate the long-term effectiveness of nutrition education and obesity prevention interventions for disadvantaged and underserved populations and opportunities for new research; Identify and create research collaborations and synergistic relationships among researchers and EFNEP/SNAP-Ed program directors, universities and other implementers, and state and federal agencies; and Enhance the impact of state and community nutrition education and obesity prevention efforts by providing the public health-related training and evidence that practitioners need for improving nutrition and health behaviors, environments, and policies in ways that are equitable, efficient, and sustained over time.
RNECE Centers
National Coordination Center Coordinate efforts of 5 Centers and 1 Longitudinal Research Project Produce quarterly report for USDA Convene monthly RNECE conference calls Conduct site visits with USDA Arrange two annual face-to-face meetings Host the NCC website Coordinate overall communications Lead overall evaluation for the initiative Produce and distribute media releases for multiple outlets Serve as liaison to USDA and other stakeholders Serve on all working groups including: evaluation, communications, national training program, affiliates registry, and comprehensive direct education and PSE toolkit
Research Project Inventory Projects from Regional Centers reporting toward the Western Region’s SNAP-Ed Evaluation Framework entered into REDCap REDCap is a secure data management system housed in the University of Kentucky Center for Clinical and Translational Sciences Data for Regional Centers has been entered Next step is data verification for accuracy Then reports can be generated illustrating aggregate investment according to SEM level, project setting, and other variables Data for new PSE Center and Longitudinal Research Project will be added
Social Ecological Model Source: Story, M, Kaphingst, KM, Robinson-O'Brien, R, and Glanz, K. Creating healthy food and eating environments: Policy and environmental approaches. Annual Review of Public Health 29: , 2008.
Research Project Inventory Projects Measuring Individual Outcomes (18 projects) To what extent does the programming improve participants’ diet, physical activity, and health? Projects Measuring Environmental Outcomes (10 projects) To what extent does the programming facilitate access and create appeal for improved dietary and physical activity choices in the settings where nutrition education is provided?
Research Project Inventory Projects Measuring Sectors of Influence Outcomes (3 projects) To what extent is the programming integrated into comprehensive strategies that collectively impact lifelong healthy eating and active living in low-income communities? Projects Measuring Social and Cultural Norms and Values Outcomes (5 projects) To what extent do community-level obesity prevention strategies impact the public’s priorities, lifestyle choices, and values for healthy living?
Research Project Inventory Projects by Setting School- 1 Workplace- 1 Community- 19
Research Project Inventory Report