English: We will learn the features, structure and layout of the following text types through reading and discussion: -science fiction writing, poems discussion, description and playscripts. We will then plan, write and edit. After each unit our writing will be levelled and new targets will be set. Focused reading sessions will cover a range of text types and help us to understand texts read. RE: We will be learning about religions such as Christianity and Islam. This will involve discussing the beliefs and ceremonies associated with these. PE: We will be developing skills such as balancing and movement And incorporate within a dance module. We will also be taking part in Outdoor and Adventurous games such as netball and football. Spanish: We will be learning basic Spanish such as numbers, colours. We will learn dates, day and months PSHE: We will be discussing, sharing experiences, developing strategies and problem solving about: ‘Changes’ and ‘Relationships’ ICT: We will be learning a range of skills associated with Information Technology such as copying, pasting, using sound and. Mathematics: We will be developing problem solving skills by selecting and using an appropriate calculation method and where necessary apparatus. We will take part in maths projects: -Enterprise (number and calculation) -Creativity (shape, space and measure) -Social project (data handling) Science: We will be learning about healthy living and the importance of looking after our teeth. We will also link the science in with our outdoor education module and focus on predators, habitats and food chains from across the world.
Foundation subjects: As Historians we will be studying how an aspect of the local area has changed over time. We will use maps, photographs, internet, library resources and our outdoor education specialist. We will study the localities further on our fieldwork trip. We will ask: -How features have changed and why? -How the past is presented and how we interpret it. -Are there any local issues that will change the area further? We will use maps, photographs, internet, library resources and our outdoor education specialist. We will study the localities further on our fieldwork trip. As Artists we will use a range of techniques to create art work. We will use sketching to design a self portrait for our upcoming art week. We will also research and design a montage using our own resources. As Musicians we will be learning a range of songs and be able to read basic music to enable an instrument to be played accordingly. Events: Trip We will be going on a fieldwork trip to the woods (over a 10 week period) and the Plotland related area. This will be led by Lincewood’s outdoor education specialist. We will research the Plotland history and relate their daily lives to ours. End of Term celebration The children will be visiting “The Haven” as part of their research for the Plotlands module. This will take place towards the end of term and be led by Lincewood’s outdoor education specialist.