How to Prepare & Conduct a Tabletop Exercise Michael Costanzo
How to Prepare & Conduct a Tabletop Exercise Agenda Why Tabletops? How to create an effective Tabletop Exercise for your organization Learning from your exercise Tips for conducting your Tabletop Exercise
How to Prepare & Conduct a Tabletop Exercise What is a Tabletop Exercise? Answer: An activity in which personnel assigned emergency management roles and responsibilities are gathered to discuss, in a non-threatening environment, simulated emergency situations.
How to Prepare & Conduct a Tabletop Exercise Why should I conduct a Tabletop Exercise? Easy to prepare Low stress for participants Focused time on emergency management Deep dive on particular topic Review existing plans, procedures, protocols Introduce new concepts Encourage staff participation in emergency management Get feedback Evaluate where you’re at
How to Prepare & Conduct a Tabletop Exercise Creating your Tabletop Exercise Keep it simple Taylor to your audience Make it inviting Use online templates for PPT Customize those templates Think of ways to encourage active participation Make detailed content available Follow-up with summary and lessons learned Keep it positive!
How to Prepare & Conduct a Tabletop Exercise Learning & After Action In writing Short summary is useful Use what’s learned to make changes Communicate to attendees as well as others, especially leadership
How to Prepare & Conduct a Tabletop Exercise Tips Serve Food Sit around a table Use a visual presentation, but do not make it about the PPT Work questions into the exercise to encourage talking Keep it as brief as possible Ask participants to provide written feedback Make follow-up simple & meaningful Conduct tabletops regularly and on different topics
How to Prepare & Conduct a Tabletop Exercise