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EH&S Strategic Plan ◦ Review Mission, Vision, Values ◦ Strategic Objectives Projects and Action Plans to support Objectives Aligning Working Group Projects to Strategic Plan Director Liaison Assignments Working Group In-Person Meetings Open Forum 2
Mission EHS supports the UC mission by promoting a safe, healthful environment in a proactive and cost effective manner that helps the University community minimize their risk. Vision The University of California will be a recognized leader by customers, regulators, and our peers in establishing an effective safety culture which holds employees at all levels accountable for environment, health, and safety performance at Campus, Healthcare, and Laboratory settings. 3
◦ Accountability ◦ Leadership ◦ Collaboration ◦ Innovation and Efficiency ◦ Education and Professional Development ◦ Advocacy 4 Stewardship and Compliance Safe and Healthful Workplace Customer/Client Centric Communication and Transparency
EHS Leadership ◦ The University of California will be recognized as a leader by faculty, staff, students, regulators, and other universities in establishing institutional best practices and standards of care for workplace safety and environmental protection in research laboratory and healthcare settings. Projects ◦ Create Center for Laboratory Safety 5
Accountability and Metrics ◦ Help locations develop, provide, and promote accountable safety and environmental management programs that are based upon national and/or internationally recognized safety and environmental management standards. ◦ Metrics to prove and develop consistent key performance indicators and other metrics that focus on leading indicators to be incorporated into the UC Enterprise Risk Management Information System (ERMIS) and provided electronically to senior leadership at all locations. ◦ Encourage development of program validation and certification, through participation in program certification such as ANSI Z10 or VPP, use of external review, or development of an internal standard for program elements and implementation. Projects ◦ Enterprise Risk Management Information System (ERMIS) ◦ VPP Recognition 6
Injury Reduction ◦ Provide resources to develop systemwide strategies and programs to address the top five causes of injury by count and cost of workers’ compensation claims. ◦ Recognizing that approximately 50% of all workers’ compensation claim costs are musculoskeletal (ergonomic related) injuries to employees who do not work in the office environment, conduct systemwide ergonomic studies of the five positions within UC that have the highest incurred worker’s compensation cost with the purpose of developing systemwide strategies that address current issues. ◦ Incorporate standard ergonomic recommendations into facility planning. Projects ◦ Systemwide Ergonomic Study overseen by Ergo Working Group ◦ Value Engineering Best Practice Documents 7
Protection of the Environment ◦ Provide resources to develop systemwide strategies and programs to address the top environmental legal and regulatory exposures for the University, including identification of the top environmental risks with a focus on the upcoming cap and trade requirements. Projects ◦ Assigned to Environmental Managers Working Group 8
Innovation, Efficiency, Collaboration and Technology ◦ Encourage collaboration and innovation between all locations in the development and/or purchase of new technologies that increase the efficiency of EHS operations, improve accountability with the University Community, and provide additional metrics to be included in the ERMIS. ◦ Develop collaborative relationship with the leadership of Academic Senate at the systemwide and campus level to build support for and to identify opportunities to improve environment, health and, safety accountability among faculty and researchers. Projects ◦ RFP for Web-Based Audit and Inspection Software ◦ Meeting with Chair and Vice-Chair of Academic Senate ◦ LMS, MSDS, Online Tag Program, etc… 9
Education and Professional Development and Staffing ◦ Provide systemwide opportunities for professional development and continuing education to EHS Staff. ◦ Locations provide appropriate staffing levels both in terms of the total number of staff and number of specialist staff to ensure regulatory compliance and proactive injury and claim reduction that this based upon potential risk exposure and actual workers’ compensation and general liability claims. Projects ◦ EH&S Academy ◦ Systemwide Professional Development Webinars ◦ Comprehensive Staffing Study by UC Actuaries 10
12 LocationContact Assignment ANRBrianOatmanEnvironmental Managers, Hazardous Waste Action Group (HWAG) BerkeleyMarkFreibergHazardous Materials (HMSEC) DavisJillParkerIndustrial Hygiene/Safety/Lab Safety (UCIHSSC) IrvineMarcGomezEmergency Managers LBNLDouglasFlemingErgonomics Los AngelesJamesGibsonEnvironmental Health MercedKevinCreedSystemwide Training & Education Workgroup (STEW) RiversideRussellVernonRadiation Safety Officers (RSO) San DiegoGarryMac PhersonFire Marshalls San FranciscoBobEatonBioSafety Officers Santa BarbaraPamLombardoField Safety (TRIPPS) Santa CruzBuddyMorrisChair of Directors Group; OTP