Academic Advising Syllabus Division of Undergraduate Studies Penn State Altoona Adviser Information Adviser: Office: Phone: Office Hours: Homepage:
Required Advising web sites for the Successful Student: One-Stop Comprehensive academic information site (Recommended Academic Plans for all PSU majors) Schedule of Courses Course offerings for all PSU campuses for current and future semesters eLion Register for classes, request entrance to major, see semester schedule, pay tuition bills, find academic adviser, check grades, etc! Webmail Read PSU to be informed about academic and non-academic issues Registrar Request Official Transcript, Find Academic Calendar, Final Exams Information, Schedule for course registration and more! Academic Integrity y.htm Guidelines for students to help in creating and submitting original academic work and consequences for those who do not
Adviser Responsibilities * Advising Objectives The Adviser will: Help the advisee to understand the academic and administrative processes of the University and the nature of its academic programs. Seek to understand the advisee’s particular concerns affecting academic progress. Help the advisee to understand the expected standards of achievement and likelihood of success in certain areas of study. Discuss the educational and career objectives suited to the advisee’s demonstrated abilities and expressed interest Help the advisee to understand the relationships among courses, programs, undergraduate research opportunities, internships, study abroad programs, and other academic experiences provided by the university. Help the advisee plan a course of study and give advice about courses, adjustment of course loads, course sequencing and prerequisites. Participate in the adviser training sessions provided by each college or department to keep informed and current. Will refer advisee to appropriate office or individual who can address individual concerns or provide administrative approval for particular academic actions.
Advisee’s Responsibilities * Advising Objectives The Advisee will: Acquire the information needed to assume final responsibility for course scheduling, program planning and the successful completion of all graduation requirements. Become knowledgeable about the relevant policies, procedures and rules of the University, College and academic program. Read and save s from their Adviser Act on plans developed during advising sessions or resulting from issues raised by Advisee inquiry. Seek the academic and career information needed to meet educational goals. Be prepared with accurate information and relevant materials when contacting the adviser. Consult with the adviser at least once a semester to decide on courses, review the accuracy of the audit, check progress towards graduation and discuss the suitability of other educational opportunities provided by the University. * Credited to Division of Undergraduate Studies, Penn State University (2003) (PSU Advising Policy 32-30)
Learning Outcomes from Academic Advising Expected Student Learning Outcomes (aka What One Needs to Know) Makes effective decisions concerning degree and career goals Demonstrates an understanding of the value of the PSU degree through the value of general education requirements and major/minor requirements Develops an educational plan for successfully achieving goals and select courses each semester to progress toward fulfilling goals Accurately reads and effectively utilizes a degree audit through the use of eLion Makes use of referrals to campus/colleges resources as needed Utilizes the resources and services on campus to assist her or him in achieving his or her academic, personal and career goals Graduates in a timely manner based upon her or his educational plans Demonstrating One’s Achievement of Learning Outcome (aka Application of What One Knows) Compiles academic and career information, which can include career information; personality inventories; learning style inventories; listing of appropriate campus/college clubs; organizations and activities associated with majors and/or careers; brochures and other academic information from college/major presentations; a resume; syllabi of courses; information on minors, internships, cooperatives; certificates, undergraduate research, graduate school and other relevant academic opportunities Keeps a written/typed/ summary of conversations held with adviser and student Prints out Recommended Academic Plan; creates a list of suggested schedule based upon student’s placement test results, academic, personal and career goals Keeps degree audits on major(s) student is exploring Creates a file of advising work that student may place on PSU web site (e-Portfolio, Angel, etc.) Can list possible references or collects business cards of possible references for resume
Academic Timelines First Year ( eer/first_year.htm) eer/first_year.htm Academic Calendar ( ademic_calendar/calendar_ index.cfm ) ademic_calendar/calendar_ index.cfm Registration Timetable ( du/Reg_Timetable/RegTime table_Main.cfm) du/Reg_Timetable/RegTime table_Main.cfm Second Year ( eer/sophomore.htm) eer/sophomore.htm Academic Calendar ( ademic_calendar/calendar_ index.cfm) ademic_calendar/calendar_ index.cfm Registration Timetable ( du/Reg_Timetable/RegTime table_Main.cfm) du/Reg_Timetable/RegTime table_Main.cfm
Attendance and Participation Policy Incomplete Student Actions: Meetings work best when both parties are prepared. Advisees who come to an advising session without having followed through with previously agreed upon recommended actions should be prepared to be told to schedule another meeting when the action has been completed Missed Appointments: COMMUNCATION = RESPECT!!! If you must miss a scheduled appointment, contact the Adviser as soon as possible (ASAP). After three missed meetings with no explanation, an advisee may be removed form the Adviser’s roster – advising will only be done on a walk-in basis as times allows.
Academic Int egrity In 1984, Penn State adopted a formal policy on academic integrity and included it in the manual of Policies and Rules. You should read the policy to become familiar with it (Section of Academic Integrity), Definition of Academic Integrity: Academic integrity is the pursuit of scholarly activity free from fraud, deception and is an educational objective of this institution. Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, cheating, plagiarism, fabrication of information or citations, facilitating acts of dishonesty by others, unauthorized prior possession of examinations, submitting work of another person or work previously used without informing the instructor, and tampering with the academic work of others. (Penn State University Libraries web site) (College of Agricultural Sciences Academic Integrity Quiz)
Campus Electronic Resources Health & Wellness Center: Learning Resources Center: rc.html rc.html Career Services: Calendar of Events: p p Change of Location Policy: n.htm n.htm