Module Name: World Wide Web 1.What do you want the student to be able to do? -> Distinguish between types of web sites based on top-level domain. -> Recognize interactive sites such as blogs and wikis. 2. What does the student need to know? -> The differences in the top level domains. -> the characteristics of blogs and wikis. 3. What is the learning activity? -> True/False questions. Matching quiz. 4. How will the student demonstrate the learning? -> Passing score on the True/False questions and a passing score on the Matching quiz. 5. How will the librarian know the student has done this well? -> Cumulative passing scores on the True/False questions, Matching quiz and consistent high ratings on Likert survey.
Select an option. This area remains blank. Begin tutorial. Skip to Review page. Add visual. Visual should: 1.Provide the name of the tutorial. 2.Compliment name of tutorial. Available under the terms of the Creative Commons License.
The World Wide Web. Recognize the Top-Level Domain This area remains blank. TRUE The Top-Level Domain for Clark College FALSE Keep current visual The one-second technique for assessing the credibility of a web site is to look at the URL (the web address) and zoom in on the top-level domain. The top-level domain is circled on the illustration.
Types of Top-Level Domain This area remains blank. are the same top-level domain. FALS E The six most-popular (and original) top-level domains = this site is commercial; the intent is to = this site claims to be an = this is a recognized education = this site is sponsored by a government = network – kind of a = military web site. But wait – there’s = = = = = museums … and more There are also country-level = United = Czech = = United Kingdom See the full list of country domains at Webopedia. Keep all current content from slide #2.
What Does the Top-Level Domain Say About Content? This area remains blank. TRUE Only organizations can apply for top-level domain. FALSE Keep all current content from slide #4. The conversation style examples are instructive. I don’t recommend bullet points for this content.
This area remains blank. Upper-Level Domain Quiz Keep current True/False questions on slide 3. If you use Captivate True/False questions then you will need 4 slides. Advantages: fast and easy (5 minutes per slide) If you create the questions yourself, the four will fit on one slide. Advantages: You get four questions on one slide. (figure an hour to create)
Limiting Your Search by Top-Level Domain This area remains blank. TRUE Limiting a Google search to will eliminate other top-level domains FALSE Keep all current content from slide #8.
Match the Domain to Your Purpose The following are generic examples and actual web page content will vary. This area remains blank. TRUE There are no rules for what you will find on a web site, but there are some rules of thumb. FALSE Keep all current content from slide #5.
This area remains blank.
Static Content web sites and Free-for-Alls Tune in to blogs and wikis This area remains blank. TRUE Interactive web pages allow visitors to add or change content and see the changes instantly. FALSE Keep all current content from slide #6.
More on Wikis and Blogs the read-write web; the live web This area remains blank. TRUE It isn’t necessary to verify information found on a blog or wiki because everyone knows the content is opinionated. FALSE Keep all current content from slide #6.
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A.I can distinguish between the types of websites based on the top level domain. B.I can recognize interactive sites such as blogs and wikis. This area remains blank. After completing this tutorial,
Quick Review: World Wide Web This area remains blank. EXIT Print this page. The six most-popular (and original) top-level domains = this site is commercial; the intent is to = this site claims to be an = this is a recognized education = this site is sponsored by a government = network – kind of a = military web site. Add more content here.