SECTION 14.3 Measures of Disbursement
Objective Determine the spread of a data set.
Key Terms: 1. Range: the difference between the largest and the smallest data values in the set. 2. Standard Deviation: a measure based on calculating the distance of each data value from the mean.
Computing the Standard Deviation To compute the standard deviation for a sample consisting of n data values, do the following: 1. Find Χ 2. Compute Deviation: (X – Χ ) 3. Compute (Deviation) 2 4. Compute s Data ValuesDeviation(Deviation) 2
Computing the Sample Standard Deviation for a Frequency Distribution To compute the sample standard deviation for a frequency distribution consisting of n data values, do the following: 1. Find Χ 2. Compute Deviation: (X – Χ ) 3. Compute (Deviation) 2 … Σ columns 2, 3, and Compute s xfx fdev.(dev.) 2 (dev.) 2 f
Example 1: Find the range, mean, and standard deviation for the following data set. TB pg. 814/1
Example 2: TB pg. 814/5
Example 3: Calculate s for a frequency distribution. TB pg. 814/ 11 xfx fdev.(dev.) 2 (dev.) 2 f Σ
Example 4: Calculate s for a frequency distribution. TB pg. 814/15 xfx fdev.(dev.) 2 (dev.) 2 f Σ
Example 5: Find the mean and standard deviation. TB pg. 815/19
Example 6: Find the mean and standard deviation. TB pg. 816/21 xfx fdev.(dev.) 2 (dev.) 2 f Σ
Key Concept: Calculate number of s from x. Formula:
Example 7: Calculate number of standard deviation from mean. TB pg. 816/27
Example 8: Calculate number of standard deviation from mean. TB pg. 817/29
Key Concept: Calculating coefficient variable. CV =
Example 9: Calculate coefficient variable. TB pg. 817/31
Example 10: Calculate coefficient variable. TB pg. 817/33
Example 11: Calculate coefficient variable. TB pg. 817/37
Section 14.3 Assignment Class work: TB pg. 814/2 – 22 Even, and 28 – 38 Even Please remember to write problems and show work. This assignment is due Mon., 12/19/11. THIS ASSIGNMENT WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED LATE!!!