1 HCAL Analysis Samet Lezki Yalcin Guler Shuichi Kunori, Isa Dumanoglu, Bayram Tali, Emine Gurpinar.


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Presentation transcript:

1 HCAL Analysis Samet Lezki Yalcin Guler Shuichi Kunori, Isa Dumanoglu, Bayram Tali, Emine Gurpinar

2  Data Set: /MinimumBias/Run2012D-PromptReco-v1/RECO  Total Run Time Duration : Some Info

3 Following results were obtained using /MinimumBias/Run2012D-PromptReco-v1/RECO data set and it was filtred by "HLT_ZeroBias_v7"

4 After pre scale factor h1->Fill((hist->GetBinContent(i)/ )*1.5E6);

5 After pre scale factor h1->Fill((hist->GetBinContent(i)/ )*1.5E6);

6 After pre scale factor h1->Fill((hist->GetBinContent(i)/ )*1.5E6);

7 Conclusion  We try to do pre scale factor.  Coments and Suggestions are welcome.

8 Back up

9 HF Map In HCAL, towers are indexed according to their η (pseudorapidity) and ϕ (azimuthal angle) intervals. Mid-point η and ϕ values are integerized and used as ieta and iphi indices. In HF, ieta ranges from 29 to 41. On the other hand, the angle ϕ is divided into iphi towers that range from 1 to 71 in steps of two. Installed New PMTs at iphi 43 bin/DocDB/RetrieveFile?docid=4776&version=1&filename=hf_mapping.pdf

10 If you go to above link and submit a run number you will get some info. about the run. (example from R208684) L(initial) = 7E33 cm-2 sec-1 L(ending) = 5E33 cm-2 sec-1 L(average) = 6E33 cm-2 sec-1 Integrated lumi integraedLumi [cm-2] = L(average) [cm-2 sec-1] * T [sec] where T [sec] is the total time of active data taking. If integrated luminosity is 6 [fb-1] from the database, intrgaratedLumi = 6 [fb-1] Since 1 [fb] = 1.0E-15 * 1.0E-24 = 1.0E-39 [cm-2] integratedLumi = 6.0E+39 [cm-2] then itegratedLumi = 6.0E+39 [cm-2] = L(average) [cm-2 sec-1] * T [sec] = 6E33 * T gives T [sec] =integratedLumi/L(average) = 6E+39/6E33 = 1.0E6 [sec] 1000,000 seconds is about 12 days. If we take data only half of day on average, this corresponds to 24 days of data taking. This looks about right. Now, let’s calculate the event rate in Hz. If we get N noise events in x [fb-1] of data, the average trigger rate is Rate = N/T. [Hz] Other Run Time Calculation Method: Run time = Lumi Section * 23sec

11 flag fPMTHitLS “polynomial energy threshold” (PET) Long fiber RecHits are flagged if R > R L AND E L > E PET,L (|iη|) = − 10.19||iη|| (|iη|)2118,119 where R L is the R cut applied to the long fiber RecHits; Short fiber RecHits are flagged if R E PET,S (|i|) = − 6.61||iη|| (|iη|)2120,121 where R S is the R cut applied to the short fiber RecHits. fPMTHitS8S1 The S9/S1 cleaning algorithm is only applied to the long fiber RecHits and it uses the same energy threshold parametrization as the PET algorithm. Long fiber RecHits are flagged by the S9/S1 algorithm if: 1. E L > E PET, L (i) AND 2. S9/S1 < Y (E L, i), where Y (E L, i) is a variable threshold value. fTimingError The timing based cleaning algorithm is defined as follows: Long fiber RecHits are flagged if E > 40 GeV AND (t 10 ns); Short fiber RecHits are flagged if E > 40 GeV AND (t 10 ns).

12  We used code part in below for pre scale gStyle->SetOptStat(); TString inFile; inFile.Form("MinimumBias-Run2012D-PromptReco-v1-RECO_HLT_ZeroBias_v7.root"); TFile* theFile = TFile::Open(inFile.Data(), "READ"); TH1D* hist; hist = (TH1D*)theFile->FindObjectAny("histSumPMThitsEnergy"); int nx = hist->GetNbinsX(); TH1D *h1 = new TH1D("h1", "h1 title", nx, hist->GetBinCenter(0), hist->GetBinLowEdge(nx)); for (Int_t i=1; i<=nx; i++) { h1->Fill((hist->GetBinContent(i)/ )*1.5E6); } h1->Draw();